

Rita Panahi: Racist, regressive lunacy polluting our schools

Parents must take a stand against the politicisation of Victoria’s curriculum or they can expect their children to be taught more divisive, regressive lunacy.

Some students at Parkdale Secondary College were singled out at a youth worker's presentation.
Some students at Parkdale Secondary College were singled out at a youth worker's presentation.

Parents are rightly appalled by the racist, regressive lunacy that their children are exposed to at Victorian schools but they cannot be surprised.

This is cultural Marxism in action with its simplistic “oppressor and oppressed” narrative; it’s the culmination of the long march through the institutions that began decades ago.

The latest example saw Year 11 boys at Parkdale Secondary College shamed for their gender, religion and the colour of their skin during a talk on privilege and pronouns last week.

In the name of equality and diversity, schoolboys were subjected to a racist, sexist and religiously intolerant tirade where they were labelled “oppressors” by a Kingston City Council-employed youth worker.

During the session boys were told to stand up if they were “white”, “male” and “Christian” and then slammed for their “privilege”.

It’s tantamount to bullying and all the more shameful for being perpetrated by an adult in a position of power.

The same toxic ideology was at play last month when schoolboys were similarly shamed at Brauer College in Warrnambool.

Parents must take a stand on the politicisation of Victoria’s curriculum.
Parents must take a stand on the politicisation of Victoria’s curriculum.

In an incident that made headlines from the UK to the US, boys were ordered to “stand up and apologise” to female classmates during assembly.

Boys as young as 12 were told to apologise for something they had zero control over; being born male.

Schools are meant to be safe and supportive environments. So why are teachers and administrators allowing the ugly doctrine of intersectionality, critical race theory and collective guilt into the classroom?

Parkdale Secondary College and Kingston City Council are now distancing themselves from the latest incident with both feigning ignorance about the content of the session.

What a load of self-serving nonsense.

What did they think was going to happen during a talk about privilege, pronouns and intersectionality?

It’s like giving a platform to an Extinction Rebellion activist and then acting shocked when they spout doomsday scenarios about emissions and climate change.

Kingston City Council CEO Tim Tamlin.
Kingston City Council CEO Tim Tamlin.

The problem runs far deeper than the individual council worker; the CEO of Kingston Council Tim Tamlin, Mayor Steve Staikos and Parkdale Secondary College Principal David Russell need to do better than just apologise because the media uncovered this incident.

How many other similar presentations has the council run and why are ratepayers funding divisive, intellectually bankrupt Leftist propaganda?

Why is the school allowing activists to preach to their students?

What is just as worrying as the content of the session is the reaction of students who self-censored rather than challenge the female speaker.

A female year 11 pupil told the Herald Sun students thought the speech was “messed up” and that male students had felt “ashamed” and “targeted” during the presentation, however they were all cowed into silence.

“She basically said straight, white, Christian males were oppressors and they held all the power and privilege in society,” the student said.

“We were shocked but it was quite difficult to say anything because she was also talking about LGBTQI+ and if you spoke out against that you feared you’d be called homophobic.”

Perhaps schools, and state and local governments, could focus their attentions on driving academic excellence rather than social engineering.

Some of the funding used to sermonise about pronouns could even be redeployed to address the education gender gap which sees boys trail girls from preschool to university.

Parents must take a stand against the politicisation of the curriculum and the relentless, Leftist indoctrination in the guise of “tolerance” and “equity”.

Otherwise they can look forward to their children being taught more junk-researched, ideologically-driven intersectionality and grievance mongering.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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