

Rita Panahi: No logic or reason to Mark McGowan’s callous cruelty

WA is an international laughing stock, thanks to its Premier, and while it isn’t the only state to inflict inhumanity on families during Covid, it’s the only one still doing it in 2022.

McGowan’s ‘beyond cruel’ treatment of terminally ill mother

Mark McGowan is proof that fools can succeed.

His popularity no longer hovers above 90 per cent but is still higher than most political leaders, state, territory or federal, despite his efforts in making Western Australia an international laughing stock.

But the latest news to go viral from WA is no laughing matter; in fact it’s maddeningly cruel and unnecessary.

Terminally ill mother-of-five Jo Gittos was told she could not see her children in her final days due to new Covid-19 hospital restrictions in the state.

The 47-year-old’s mother and other loved ones were also banned from visiting with only Ms Gittos’ husband, Darren Gittos, granted an exemption.

Can you think of a more depraved example of bureaucratic bastardy than keeping five young children away from their dying mother in her final days?

Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan. Picture: James Gourley
Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan. Picture: James Gourley

In desperation Mr Gittos spoke to the media about the family’s plight.

“Apparently they’re going to arrange an exemption for me so that I can visit but they won’t allow the kids to see their mum and they won’t allow my wife’s mum to see her either,” he said.

“We only have a month, we don’t know and we’re not going to be the only people in this situation … it’s callous. For us every minute, every hour, every day is precious.”

Now, while WA isn’t the only state to inflict this inhumanity on families, it is the only one still doing it in 2022.

To our eternal shame, we allowed cowardly politicians listening to Covid catastrophist bureaucrats to deprive people of their loved ones’ company in their dying days.

We allowed Australians to die alone with only medical staff to hold their hand in their final moments.

That was cruel in 2020, it’s positively sadistic in 2022.

The media attention on the Gittos family saw WA authorities show a measure of mercy.

“After the media stories kids have been granted daily 30 min visit, which I’m so grateful for. Just hope other families are afforded same where possible,” Mr Gittos tweeted on Friday evening.

Again, consider the absurdity, not to mention callousness, of telling a child that they must leave their mother’s bedside after just 30 minutes.

Does Covid-19 become more dangerous from minute 31 onwards?

What science is informing these harebrained decisions?

The science in WA, like much of the country, appears to shift with polling.

And, with a fierce backlash under way, the rules were quickly relaxed and from Sunday patients in WA hospitals could receive essential visitors, which includes a birth partner, nominated parent, guardian or carer, support person for someone who is critically ill/end-of-life (this would include spouses, partners and other significant others) and these essential visitors will be allowed to remain with the patient outside of standard visiting hours.

It’s incredible how the “science” and “best available medical advice” changes with adverse press and public opinion.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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