
Rita Panahi: Jews have no friends in modern Left

Many within the Jewish community have been enthusiastic allies of “progressive” activists but the modern Left are not their friends — and the Greens have shown an appetite for rabid anti-Zionism.

Greens senator grilled over stance on 'river to the sea' slogan

The Jewish community must know one thing by now; the modern Left are not their friends.

Many within the Jewish community have been enthusiastic allies of “progressive” activists but that support is not reciprocated, and it was never going to be, certainly not among anti-West advocates who see every issue through the oppressor/oppressed lens.

The Greens in particular have shown an appetite for rabid anti-Zionism that is ugly, intolerant and entirely in keeping with the neo-Marxist worldview of the Left.

On Thursday another Greens MP disgraced themselves with a mixture of ignorance and malice that could only come from a party full of socialists and simpletons.

Speaking on Sky News, Greens senator and resources spokeswoman Dorinda Cox defended the use of the anti-Semitic chant “from the river to the sea” and vowed to continue using it at pro-Palestinian rallies.

“We will continue to chant from the river to the sea,” she said of the slogan adopted by terror groups including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It’s an anti-Israeli slogan that calls for the eradication of the only Jewish state and has been declared by the US House of Representatives as “outrightly anti-Semitic”.

Greens Senator Dorinda Cox defended the use of the anti-Semitic chant ‘from the river to the sea’ and vowed to continue using it at pro-Palestinian rallies. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
Greens Senator Dorinda Cox defended the use of the anti-Semitic chant ‘from the river to the sea’ and vowed to continue using it at pro-Palestinian rallies. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

It speaks volumes about the warped moral compass of the Greens that Senator Cox would defend the use of this contemptible chant even after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned it this week as extremely violent.

Former treasurer Josh Frydenberg who is presenting a documentary on Sky News – called “Never Again: The Fight Against anti-Semitism – revealed that Mr Albanese agreed the statement promoted violence.

“When I put to the Prime Minister directly on the documentary that the river to the sea slogan was ‘an extremely violent statement’ he immediately agreed saying ‘it is’,” Mr Frydenberg said.

But on Thursday Senator Cox kept supporting the chant even as she was informed of its history and use by the sadistic terrorists of Hamas.

“I’m not an expert on Middle Eastern history,” she said followed by nonsense accusing Israel of “genocide”.

Too many within Labor, and the vast majority of their coalition partners the Greens, have shown themselves to be indifferent to openly hostile to the plight of the Jewish community both here and in Israel.

Rita Panahi is a Herald Sun columnist

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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