

Rita Panahi: Health officials don’t deserve accolades for the draconian measures they forced on Australians

To bestow honours on bureaucrats who recommend draconian measures is an insult to hard-working volunteers and undermines the Order of Australia system.

Victorian bureaucracy ‘divorced from the real world’

Extravagantly remunerated public servants should not receive Queen’s Birthday honours for simply doing their job.

This week eyebrows were raised when Covid catastrophists including New South Wales chief health officer Dr Kerry “this is no time to be friendly” Chant and former Queensland chief health officer, and current Queensland governor, Dr Jeannette “don’t take AstraZeneca if you’re under 40” Young were honoured for their contributions.

To bestow honours when these highly paid bureaucrats have performed poorly undermines the Order of Australia system and is an insult to every hard working volunteer quietly devoting their life to helping others.

You’ll remember Dr Young was the country’s most impactful anti-vaxxer who, as late as June 2021, was warning Australians under 40s not to get the AstraZeneca jab. “I don’t want an 18-year-old in Queensland dying from a clotting illness … wouldn’t it be terrible that our first 18-year-old in Queensland who dies related to this pandemic, died because of the vaccine,” she said.

Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young made a number of absurd comments during the pandemic. Picture: Tertius Pickard
Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young made a number of absurd comments during the pandemic. Picture: Tertius Pickard

Dr Young also banned ANZAC day flyovers in the name of Covid safety and advised Brisbane residents in January 2021 to wear face masks when driving in their own cars, even when alone. That rule was only changed after much mockery and outrage from the public.

But instead of being demoted, Young – who earned around $600,000 per annum as CHO – was promoted to the plum role of Queensland governor. She can now add the honorifics AC to her name.

Also, on the honours list was the man who first uttered the infamous it’s “not a race” line about Australia’s vaccine rollout, health department secretary and former chief medical officer of the nation, Professor Brendan Murphy.

Scott Morrison would bitterly regret repeating that foolish line, but the man who the then prime minister was dutifully reiterating, was among those to receive the country’s top honour by being appointed the Companion of the Order (AC).

That’s the same Prof Murphy who made a spectacle of himself in April when he failed to answer the simple question ‘what is a woman’ during Senate Estimates. “Look, I think there are a variety of definitions … I think perhaps to give a more fulsome answer we should take that on notice,” Prof Murphy said.

Brendan Murphy struggled to define “what is a woman”. Picture: Gary Ramage
Brendan Murphy struggled to define “what is a woman”. Picture: Gary Ramage

Senator Alex Antic responded: “You’re going to take on notice the question of what a woman is?”

Prof Murphy: “No, well there (is) a variety – it’s a very, it’s a very … it’s a very contested space at the moment, Senator.”

NSW CHO Dr Chant received an AO, one rung below an AC, for her “distinguished service to the people of NSW through public health administration and governance.”

Now, compared to her counterparts in Queensland, Victoria and South Australia, Dr Chant was a standout but one cannot forget her imploring people not to say hello to neighbours even when fully masked.

Australia’s honour system has become hopelessly politicised; there needs to be a complete overhaul in how these awards are granted. One small mercy this week was that Victoria and South Australia’s respective CHOs did not receive gongs.

Doctor Kerry Chant, who received Queens Birthday honours, once implored people not to say hello to neighbours even when fully masked.
Doctor Kerry Chant, who received Queens Birthday honours, once implored people not to say hello to neighbours even when fully masked.

Can you imagine the unintentional comedy that would ensue if Dr Brett “shut the playgrounds” Sutton and Professor Nicola “pizza box” Spurrier were awarded an AO or AC?

Dr Spurrier did receive a public service medal last Queen’s Birthday despite her bizarro advice to fans attending a Crows v Pies game to not touch the footy as it could have germs from those diseased Victorians in the Collingwood Football Club.

And, who can forget her decision to plunge South Australia into lockdown over fears that someone had caught the virus from a pizza box.

Try as they might no CHO in the country could top Victoria’s Dr Sutton for sheer ineptitude and hysteria.

After all, Melbourne has the great dishonour of having the world’s longest lockdown with its citizens subjected to a wide range of indignities including curfews, 5km travel limits, playground bans, golf and boating bans to name just a few.

Victorian Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton didn’t receive any honours. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Ian Currie
Victorian Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton didn’t receive any honours. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Ian Currie

High-profile health officials do not need further adulation for the draconian measures they recommended, and politicians uncritically implemented, to reduce the incidence of one virus.

We are beginning to see some of the devastating impacts of lockdowns, restrictions and closures from missed early diagnosis of serious illnesses like cancer to an increase in mental health issues to livelihoods being destroyed.

Not to mention the grim consequences of school closures and distant learning.

All of it entirely predictable.

What we need is a royal commission into the country’s and each state and territories’ Covid response, not more accolades for unelected health bureaucrats.


The Liberal Party must grow a backbone and belatedly expel Malcolm Turnbull. The miserable ghost has worked diligently to undermine multiple Liberal leaders from Brendan Nelson to Tony Abbott to more recently Scott Morrison. This week he took aim at new Opposition leader Peter Dutton, calling him a “belligerent blusterer who wrecked a submarine contract.” Enough is enough. The Liberals must expel the great impostor for disloyalty bordering on treachery.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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