

Rita Panahi: Health bureaucrats have given in to radical gender ideology

Health chief Dr Brendan Murphy 78-word definition for “woman” proves that the Australian health bureaucracy has been captured by radical gender ideology.

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Suddenly the gender ideologues know what a woman is.

It only took the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade to reacquaint the activist Left with womanhood.

For now we won’t hear much about “birthing bodies”, “womb carriers”, “womxn” or “bleeders” … just some of the so-called “inclusive” terms used instead of women in recent years.

Fighting for reproductive rights of menstruators just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

I’ll have more to say about the overturning of Roe v Wade later in the week, but rest assured that about 80 per cent of what you’re hearing is unbridled hysteria disconnected from reality.

Back in Australia, the gender ideologues continue to wield considerable power, so much so that Australia’s top health bureaucrat, a man with an extensive medical background, was unable to answer the simple question: What is a woman?

It only took the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade to reacquaint the activist Left with womanhood. Picture: AFP
It only took the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade to reacquaint the activist Left with womanhood. Picture: AFP

It was back in early April when Liberal Senator Alex Antic asked Health chief Dr Brendan Murphy that simple question during a senate estimates hearing.

The former chief medical officer of the country failed to answer the question claiming it was “a very contested space at the moment”.

Well almost three months later, Dr Murphy came up with a definition for “woman”, which proves that the Australian health bureaucracy has been captured by radical gender ideology. Instead of the four-word dictionary definition of woman, an adult female human, Dr Murphy came up with no less than 78 words to define one half the human population.

Dr Brendan Murphy offered a bizarre 78 word definition for “woman”. Picture: Gary Ramage
Dr Brendan Murphy offered a bizarre 78 word definition for “woman”. Picture: Gary Ramage

“The frameworks adopted to define a person’s gender include chromosomal makeup, the gender assigned at birth, and the gender with which a person identifies,” was Dr Murphy’s response.

“The Department of Health does not adopt a single definition. Health policies and access to health programs are based on clinical evidence and clinical need for all Australians, regardless of gender identity, biological characteristics, or genetic variations. Our programs are designed to be inclusive and to provide better health and wellbeing for all Australians.”

What an utterly absurd answer to the simple question of “what is a woman”.

It’s this type of deference to the Leftist activist class that sees crazy stories emerge regularly showing how this ideology is impacting the health sector.

One such story occurred earlier this month when regular blood donor Leslie Sinclair was turned away from a Scottish blood bank for refusing to say whether he was pregnant.

The 66-year-old man thought it silly that he was required to answer such a pointless question but was told the policy was in place to “promote inclusiveness”.

That was confirmed by Professor Marc Turner, director of the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, who said: “As a public body we take cognisance of changes in society around how such questions may be asked without discrimination and have a duty to promote inclusiveness – therefore all donors are now asked the same questions.”

This is the sort of biology-denying lunacy we are asked to submit to in the name of “inclusion”.

Resist it while you can for soon you’ll be unable to call a spade a spade without being labelled a bigot.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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