

Rita Panahi: Europe’s energy crisis a grim warning to Australia

For many in Europe, it will be a dark and cold winter due to a self-inflicted energy crisis. Australia should beware.

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Europe’s rapid descent into energy poverty should serve as a warning to Australia as we follow in their ruinous, renewable-obsessed footsteps.

A determination to close down domestic coal, gas and nuclear plants, and an over-reliance on Russian gas, has resulted in a number of countries being plunged into a deepening energy crisis.

For many it will be a dark and cold winter and it’s not hyperbole to say thousands of lives will be lost due to what is a self-inflicted crisis.

In England and Wales alone there is an average of 60,573 excess deaths per year attributable to cold, compared to average of 791 deaths per year attributable to heat, according to the most comprehensive study of mortality risks related to temperature, published in The Lancet Planetary Health.

Members of the Just Stop Oil environmental protest group block the entrance and exit of a BP petrol station in London. Picture: Getty Images
Members of the Just Stop Oil environmental protest group block the entrance and exit of a BP petrol station in London. Picture: Getty Images

This coming winter, with about 40 per cent of households expected to be under energy stress, that number will be significantly higher.

Here are just a few examples of European countries facing soaring prices, energy rationing and blackouts.


Proposed new legislation could result in people being fined and even jailed for heating their homes above 19 degrees.

Gas-heated buildings would have to be kept at or below 19 degrees, radiant heaters would be banned along with heating swimming pools or saunas.

The UK:

After a 54 per cent price hike in April, annual household energy bills are set to jump another 80 per cent in October.

One of the first jobs facing Britain's new Prime Minister is tackling the country’s energy crisis. Picture: AFP
One of the first jobs facing Britain's new Prime Minister is tackling the country’s energy crisis. Picture: AFP

On Thursday there were reports new PM Liz Truss would announce dozens of new North Sea oil and gas exploration licences as the country desperately tries to boost local production.


Arguably the country most afflicted with reckless green policies, Germany has been hit hard. Well before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germans were paying significantly more for energy than the French but the war has had a devastating impact due to the country allowing itself to become reliant on Russian oil and gas. Russia was supplying more than half of Germany’s natural gas, around a third of its oil and half of its coal imports.


The French were sitting pretty, for a while, thanks to nuclear energy. Indeed they were exporting energy. But failure to adequately maintain power stations has seen a record number of nuclear reactors go offline for overdue works. The lack of nuclear power has sent prices sky-high with the government threatening to ration energy come winter.

Germany has been hit hard by the crisis. Picture: AFP
Germany has been hit hard by the crisis. Picture: AFP


Crazy climate policies that force people to swelter during summer and shiver through winter are becoming the norm.

Last month Spain imposed harsh limits on airconditioning, banning public buildings, offices, shops, cinemas and public transport from cooling below 27 degrees in summer or heating over 19 degrees in winter.

Australia can look forward to soaring prices and reduced reliability as we transition to a “net zero” future.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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