

Rita Panahi: Disney must stop promoting radical gender ideology to children

Disney is happy to film movies in China where Uighur Muslims are held in concentration camps, but it thinks it has the moral standing to push radical gender ideology on children.

Disney is engaging in ‘divisive’ and ‘incoherent’ activism

The Left’s war on reality is manifesting in increasingly disturbing ways including a preoccupation with indoctrinating, some would say grooming, impressionable preschoolers. The activist class’ reaction to a parental rights bill in Florida has been nothing short of unhinged.

The Left, together with much of the media, launched into a strawman campaign labelling the legislation the “don’t say gay Bill” despite those words being nowhere in the document.

What the Bill, which will go into effect from July 1, does is protect children in kindergarten through to grade three from being exposed to issues such as sexual orientation, transgenderism and gender theory in the classroom. We are talking about kids aged four to seven who have no business having such concepts unleashed on them by activist teachers, often against the wishes of parents.

The Bill is enormously popular despite the misinformation campaign from activists and the media. But there has been growing pressure from corporates who want to repeal the legislation and punish Florida and its popular Republican Governor Ron DeSantis for backing the Bill. Leading the corporate campaign is the once revered Disney who put out this statement: “Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organisations working to achieve that.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has put Disney on notice for its activism.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has put Disney on notice for its activism.

What sort of corporate entity is that invested in having preschoolers through to grade three children receive classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity? It’s borderline creepy.

Disney’s activism comes from far-Left ideologues within its senior ranks as well as some employees that demand the company be a “progressive” crusader.

Karey Burke, Disney’s president of general entertainment, who says she has one child who identifies as “pansexual” and another that is trans, has vowed to increase representation of minorities in Disney productions with half of all characters either LGBTQIA or a racial minority. And video has come to light from within Disney showing they are systematically removing gendered language such as “boys and girls”.

Vivian Ware, Disney’s diversity and inclusion manager explains in a 2021 video: “So we no longer say ‘ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,’ … We’ve provided trainings for all of our cast members and in relationship to that so now they know it’s, ‘hello everyone’ or ‘hello friends.’”

And, “dreamers of all ages” has replaced “ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls” for announcements at shows at some Disney properties.

Presumably, all the Disney stories featuring princes and princesses will be quietly cancelled or reimagined as well. We can’t have that type of hateful heteronormative content corrupting children. This is the same company that is happy to film movies in China’s Xinjiang province where Uighur Muslims are held in concentration camps but it thinks it has the moral standing to tell parents what their four to seven year old children should be exposed to in the interests of advancing ‘transgender rights’.

On Thursday there was a protest outside Disney’s headquarters in Burbank, California, where parents called for the company to stop promoting radical gender ideology to children.

Disney’s activism comes from far-Left ideologues within its senior ranks.
Disney’s activism comes from far-Left ideologues within its senior ranks.

A Disney employee spoke at the rally about groupthink at the company and called for employees cowed into silence to speak out. “I’ve worked for Disney for quite a long time and it has gotten very political and it’s gotten very hard to be who you are and it’s gotten very hard to be someone who has conservative values,” she said.

Florida Governor DeSantis has put Disney on notice for its activism which he labelled as “fundamentally dishonest”. “For Disney to come out and put out a statement and say that the bill should have never passed and that they are going to actively work to repeal it … they’ve crossed a line,” DeSantis said. “This state is governed by the interests of the people of the state of Florida; it is not based on the demands of California corporate executives.”

The saga has opened the eyes of many parents who have happily spent their hard earned on Disney products; they are now questioning whether they want to support a company that is so unashamedly hostile to their values.


Don’t for a second think that gender theory absurdity is an exclusively US or UK problem.

On Wednesday we had highly educated, highly remunerated bureaucrats from the Department of Health, who have wielded enormous power over all our lives, unable to answer the simplest of questions for fear of offending trans gender activists.

Read the opinion piece in full here.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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