

Rita Panahi: A vote for Labor is a vote for the Greens

The Greens party offers not just reckless ideologues with simplistic ideas, but is a clear and present danger to Australia’s economic and national security.

Albanese and Bandt are ‘peas in a pod’: Frydenberg

This election isn’t a choice between the Liberal and Labor parties; it’s a choice between a Liberal National coalition and a Labor Greens coalition.

Labor may not be in a formal alliance with the Greens but they are very much reliant on the far-Left, economically illiterate party of simpletons.

Labor cannot win without Greens preferences and will struggle to pass legislation without the votes of Greens senators in the Upper House.

In the event of a hung parliament Labor will need the Greens and/or climate ‘independents’ to form government.

For too long the party that attracts around one in 10 votes has been treated as an oddity and nuisance rather than a genuine threat. But the Greens will wield significant power if Labor prevails in next month’s federal election.

And, they are not just reckless ideologues with simplistic ideas, they are a clear and present danger to Australia’s economic and national security.

Greens leader Adam Bandt
Greens leader Adam Bandt

Even by their wacky standards Greens MPs are making comments that are worrying national security experts. Peace and disarmament spokesman for the Greens, Jordon Steele-John has said that China is not a military threat to Australia and that our objection to the Solomons - China agreement is “paternalistic” and “racist”.

These are not serious people but in a Labor Greens coalition they would have serious influence on the direction of the country.

That has seen alarm bells ring among security experts including Australian Strategic Policy Institute executive director Peter Jennings who has labelled the positions advocated by the Greens as “insane” and a “fantasyland approach”.

Mr Jennings has warned what would happen if the Greens were successful in forcing dramatic cuts to defence spending. “That would make us ripe for the picking in terms of China’s attempts to dominate the region and our island neighbours,” he said.

“It’s crazy stuff but also dangerous in the sense that if the Greens were controlling the balance of power in parliament somewhat, they would have to be educated about this issue…something would have to be done to try and knock them off this fantasyland approach.”

Last month Greens leader Adam Bandt said the quiet bit out loud when he revealed that his party would demand a raft of policy outcomes for backing Labor in the case of a hung parliament.

Voters should be well aware that a vote for Labor is a vote for the Greens. And vice versa.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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