

Power-hungry premiers are making it impossible for Australians to plan an interstate getaway

You’d think it would be pretty simple to book a holiday — but power-hungry Premiers are making it harder. Sophie Elsworth explains why.

How to wear a face mask

Opinion: Many Victorians will be itching for an interstate summer break after being hemmed into their homes for months on end.

You’d think it would be pretty simple to book a holiday across the border but the turn of events over the past week have proven this is not the case.

The COVID-19 outbreak in South Australia prompted a mass over-reaction and embarrassing fallout for Premier Steven Marshall.

Their lockdown was based on a Adelaide pizza worker’s misinformation he reeled off to contact tracers.

Thousands of people were forced into home isolation, people were banned from exercising, international flights were cancelled and the Ghan destined for Darwin was even sent back to Adelaide once news of the infections broke. Talk about over the top.

Many other power-hungry premiers went into overdrive, including Daniel Andrews who decided to resurrect the border wall between Victoria and SA.

I doubt many SA residents would want to come here anyway — we’ve hardly got the best reputation after the Andrews government royally stuffed up hotel quarantine.

The Premier’s ally, one of the nation’s most power-tripping premiers, WA’s Mark McGowan, of course used the opportunity to flex his authority even more.

Some SA passengers en route to Perth were told of the outbreak while in their air and given the option of flying back to Adelaide or otherwise self quarantining at suitable premises in Perth for 14 days.

Good way to wreck anyone’s travel plans.

So this begs the question, how on earth can anyone book a holiday without the rug being pulled out from underneath them at a moment’s notice?

If the states have brilliant contact tracing capabilities, then surely there’s no need for these crazy restrictions being dropped on people with little notice.

I’m one of many Victorians itching to flee Victoria over summer. Queensland and WA were my two destinations of choice.

But now I’m having second thoughts. Why risk booking a trip interstate that could be thrown into disarray at any time?

Until there’s a vaccine, COVID-19 outbreaks will continue.

I was also looking forward to escaping to a place where it’s OK to ditch Dictator Dan’s compulsory wearing of masks.

He even thought at one point these rules might follow Victorians where they go — seriously, the power has gone to his head.

Many Victorians will be crossing their fingers today that compulsory mask wearing is scaled back, a move that’s long overdue.

And thankfully on Sunday the Premier did exactly this - masks are no longer compulsory outdoors, unless of course you are somewhere you can’t social distance.

Back in July the Premier said face masks “were essentially stage four for Melbourne” and we all know how that turned out.



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Sophie Elsworth
Sophie ElsworthMedia Writer

Sophie is media writer for The Australian. She graduated from a double degree in Arts/Law and pursued journalism while completing her studies. She has worked at numerous News Corporation publications throughout her career including the Herald Sun in Melbourne, The Advertiser in Adelaide and The Courier-Mail in Brisbane and on the Sunshine Coast. She began covering the media industry in 2021. Sophie regularly appears on TV and is a Sky News Australia contributor. Sophie grew up on a sheep farm in central Victoria.

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