In Black and WhiteShipwrecked in violent seas, young Norwegian captain Anders Harboe-Ree mounted a daring rescue bid to save his crew.
In Black and WhiteBefore he became one of the Eureka rebellion leaders, Edward Thonen’s path took him from high-stakes robbery to high-seas adventure.
In Black and WhiteJust as St Patrick is said to have banished snakes from Ireland, Lady Jane Franklin — the governor’s wife — made an audacious bid to do the same for Tasmania.
In Black and WhiteDoctor John White had one job: keep as many prisoners alive as possible during the eight-month voyage. And he did, with many having a greater hope of survival than if they stayed at home.
In Black and WhiteAdelaide Ironside held court with princes and poets, but it was a startling act amid the Crimean War that first made her famous.
In Black and WhiteAllan Chick not only survived his ship being torpedoed and sunk during WWII and again when an atomic bomb blew him off a roof, but he went on to marry a Japanese teacher and live to 93.
In Black and WhiteEntrepreneur and inventor Henry Byron Moore had a showman’s instincts and captured the public’s imagination, transforming the Cup into a world-renowned event.
In Black and WhiteWearing a patch over one eye, Victorian street fighter Cecilia Curtain made her money robbing men on Melbourne’s seedy city streets.
In Black and WhiteWhen Napoleon’s wife declared she wanted wombats, kangaroos and emus roaming her gardens, nothing could get in her way.
In Black and WhiteA widely held belief that feared gangsters Squizzy Taylor and rival Snowy Cutmore killed each other in a fierce Carlton shootout could be a farce, as evidence of a third man comes to light.