

Those who love Australia must fight for it

The fight is on to save Australia from barbarians. We can’t hand this country to people full of hatred and abuse.

Australians ‘shouldn’t be ashamed of who we are’: Peter Dutton

We learnt six important things from this year’s Australia Day – the national day of one of the richest, safest and more free countries in human history.

One: it’s hip to hate it.

I’ve never seen so much disgust for Australia, and not just from people claiming – falsely – to be its “victims”.

Rich corporates such as Woolworths banned it. Cricket Australia refused to celebrate, as did Tennis Australia.

It’s hip to hate Australia. Picture: Getty
It’s hip to hate Australia. Picture: Getty

More than 80 councils refused to hold citizenship ceremonies, and Melbourne’s Australia Day march was banned, leaving the streets to anti-Australia protests.

Two: the haters include hypocrites.

The heads of Woolworths, Tennis Australia and Cricket Australia are all immigrants.

A founder of the “Free Palestine Melbourne” was a refugee born in Iraq.

If they can’t celebrate Australia on Australia Day because it’s “stolen” land, why are they here? Why did they add to the “colonisation”? Go home, guys.

Pro-Palestine supporters join in an Invasion Day Rally in Melbourne. Picture: Getty
Pro-Palestine supporters join in an Invasion Day Rally in Melbourne. Picture: Getty

Three: the hatred is becoming dangerous.

This year’s anti-Australia Day rallies featured hundreds of Palestinian flags as Aboriginal and Palestinian extremists joined their causes.

A Palestinian speaker told the Sydney crowd: “As a Palestinian, I stand here to express solidarity with First Nations people in their struggle against colonisation … Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land. Just like Palestine: always was, always will be, Palestinian land.”

In fact, Jews were in Jerusalem thousands of years before Palestinians.

But how frightening for crowds here to be inspired by a terrorist-led war against a democracy like Israel, and to think it’s the same war here.

We live in one of the richest, safest and more free countries in human history. Picture: Brett Hartwig
We live in one of the richest, safest and more free countries in human history. Picture: Brett Hartwig

Violence is coming.

Four: these people hate Australia.

They don’t just want the date of Australia Day changed. In Melbourne, marchers chanted: “Abolish the state.”

Five: they demand the impossible.

They want history reversed, so Australia never was colonised.

Time doesn’t work that way.

Protesters want history reversed, so Australia never was colonised. Picture: Getty
Protesters want history reversed, so Australia never was colonised. Picture: Getty

Six: those who love Australia must fight for it.

We can’t hand this country to people full of hatred and abuse.

Many Australians now realise this.

Their backlash against Woolworths’ ban on Australia Day shocked Woolworths’ boss, and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton now calls for a ban on councils banning Australia Day citizenship ceremonies.

It’s on – the fight to save Australia from barbarians.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew's columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm Monday to Thursday.

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