

I’ve come back from Europe not just disliking this government, but despising it

After five weeks away from Australia, I’ve returned realising clearer than ever how childishly stupid, blind and dishonest the Albanese government is.

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I left Australia five weeks ago, sick of writing of every fresh example of the Albanese government turning a fine country into a poor and divided one.

Maybe seeing some European countries would make me better appreciate my own.

Ha! I’ve instead come back not just disliking this government, but despising it.

Distance has made even clearer how childishly stupid, blind and dishonest it is.

I’ve come back not just disliking the Albanese government but despising it. Picture: Martin Ollman
I’ve come back not just disliking the Albanese government but despising it. Picture: Martin Ollman

For instance, I was in France and Belgium when Anthony Albanese’s ministers attacked the Coalition’s plan for nuclear power by posting pictures of three-eyed fish and a koala.

Anyone in France or Belgium would have laughed at them.

You see, I had lunches there in nuclear-powered restaurants and toured nuclear-powered museums because France gets 60 per cent of its electricity from nuclear energy, and Belgium nearly 50.

Yet not once did I see there some mutant beast with three eyes. I couldn’t even find a squirrel with a squint.

One of the pictures Labor used to attack the Coalition’s nuclear power plan.
One of the pictures Labor used to attack the Coalition’s nuclear power plan.

Are Albanese’s ministers really morons who think nuclear power will turn our wildlife into freaks, or are they just liars?

I’m guessing liars, because Albanese defended this scare campaign by telling journalists to “lighten up”, as if lying about something as grave as fixing our failing power supplies is just a joke.

Should I also “lighten up” about other lies his government told while I was away?

Just last week, I checked the news from home to find Australia’s inflation was now worse than that of any of the five countries I was visiting.

Yes, another Albo lie exposed.

Remember Treasurer Jim Chalmers claiming to invent a new “values-based capitalism” so that the government’s vast spending was actually just an “investment”, and not inflationary?

Should I also ‘lighten up’ about other lies the Albanese government has told?
Should I also ‘lighten up’ about other lies the Albanese government has told?

False again, and inflation now eats our savings and bloats our bills.

Worst was the government still insisting during my trip there’s a “climate crisis” and to supposedly save us from floods and droughts it will cut our net emissions to zero.

Even more amazingly, it will work this miracle, achieved nowhere on Earth, without using zero-emissions nuclear power.

Except I was reading this nonsense in a continent that’s learning how disastrous the net-zero fantasy really is.

In Germany, the economy has been smashed by high power prices.

In Britain, the government is ditching many net zero policies to cut the cost of living.

In France, a tour guide moaned to me how the lovely landscape of Provence was being scarred by wind farms.

Yet here, our Australian Energy Market Operator has just doubled down and warned Australians need six times more of these monsters – a target the government insists upon.

And see how this crazy government lies to cover up this stupidity.

In France, a tour guide moaned to me how the lovely landscape of Provence was being scarred by wind farms. Picture: AFP
In France, a tour guide moaned to me how the lovely landscape of Provence was being scarred by wind farms. Picture: AFP

Energy Minister Chris Bowen still claims wind and solar is the “cheapest” power, even as soaring power prices again proved him wrong, last week pushing up inflation.

In Europe, too, countries like Denmark – hooked on wind power – pay high prices.

In Rome I got another reminder of our government’s idiocy. Our hotel explained it was banned by law from supplying aircon until July 1, even in a heatwave, because Italy was running out of gas. The Ukraine war, and all that.

Chris Bowen still claims wind and solar is the ‘cheapest’ power. Picture: Martin Ollman
Chris Bowen still claims wind and solar is the ‘cheapest’ power. Picture: Martin Ollman

It’s one thing for Italy to be short of energy, but it’s criminal that Australia is, too, when – unlike Italy – we have mountains of coal and uranium, and oceans of oil and gas, all now treated like poison.

Yet another example: everywhere in Europe people are now voting against mass immigration. Yet no European country has – pro rata – anything like Australia’s immigration levels. Albanese added 2 per cent of our population in one year, making homes unaffordable for the young.

So how can it be that this blessed country is now getting poorer per person, quarter after quarter, for more than a year, now?

As a tourist, I could recognise the problem. That’s what you get from a government of tourists who’d rather cruise than dig deep. Who’d rather strike a pose than do the hard yards.

Look at Albanese the other day, taking a selfie with a couple of young rock bands, and then giving a hero’s welcome to Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks “whistleblower” he helped free from a British jail.

Albanese taking a selfie with musicians Budjerah and Lime Cordiale.
Albanese taking a selfie with musicians Budjerah and Lime Cordiale.

Albanese even had both our US ambassador, Kevin Rudd, and our high commissioner to Britain, Stephen Smith, accompany Assange all the way to Australia in a private jet. All this backslapping over an egomaniac who was originally a fugitive from rape charges laid in Sweden (Assange insists he was innocent.)

And so we decline.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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