
Donald Trump’s triumph against furious Left

DONALD Trump has had a massive week. The best bit: he proved that the Left’s furious hatred puts off more people than it scares, writes Andrew Bolt.

US President Donald Trump. Picture: Nicholas Kamm/AFP
US President Donald Trump. Picture: Nicholas Kamm/AFP

DONALD Trump has had a massive week. The best bit: he proved that the Left’s furious hatred puts off more people than it scares.

Last week, the US President celebrated the best jobs data for 49 years, with unemployment down to 3.7 per cent.

Trump also announced he’d bullied Canada and Mexico into rewriting a trade deal that’s now better for the US.



Most importantly, Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, was confirmed by the Senate, defeating a frenzied push by Democrats to paint him as a rapist.

That’s Trump’s second pick for the nine-judge court, cementing a conservative majority for a generation.

No wonder crowds at Trump’s rallies for next month’s mid-term elections were cheering. Trump is bringing home the bacon, and his approval ratings in the Rasmussen poll rose to 51 per cent, three points higher than Barack Obama’s at the same point of his presidency.

That’s stunning, given the demented media campaign against him.

US President Donald Trump sits on Air Force One before a "Make America Great Again" rally in Topeka, Kansas, on October 6, 2018. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP)
US President Donald Trump sits on Air Force One before a "Make America Great Again" rally in Topeka, Kansas, on October 6, 2018. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP)

Here, too, much of the media is barracking for Trump to fail. For instance, no ABC commentator I heard noted how serious were the factual holes in the claims by Kavanaugh’s chief accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, that he tried to rape her when he was 17.

Instead, we read ABC “analysis” claiming that those defending Kavanaugh from Ford’s uncorroborated allegations were just driven by “disgust at women’s animal bodies”, and Kavanaugh was “emblematic of male privilege and impunity”.

The US coverage was even worse, inciting mobs to physically confront or abuse Republican senators in lifts, in airports and in the Senate.

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination for the Supreme Court has been confirmed by the Senate. Picture: Saul Loeb/AFP
Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination for the Supreme Court has been confirmed by the Senate. Picture: Saul Loeb/AFP

Yet Trump understands that the more unhinged and unfair your enemy’s hate, the more your supporters love you for fighting back.

Trump was last week condemned by many commentators for noting Ford could not remember many key details of Kavanaugh’s alleged attack 36 years ago, even when and where it happened.

But Trump’s supporters loved to see someone finally defy the activist bullies, the screaming hysterics, the smearing media and especially the victim politics, which had protesters demand Ford’s claims be believed just because she was a woman.

Until Trump fought for Kavanaugh, it seemed the Republicans would be belted in the midterm elections, which are usually bad for first-term presidents.

But suddenly he’s looking stronger, by reminding his base he’s worth fighting for.

Is this sinking in with the Liberals?




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