
Disappearing Biden makes Trump look like a genius

Donald Trump may have been a blusterer but unlike Joe Biden — who has helped destroy Afghanistan before walking off the set — he never shied away from a fight.

Biden causes America's 'greatest embarrassment'

Please bring back Donald Trump. Save the world from Joe Biden, the incredible shrinking US President who’s just helped to destroy Afghanistan.

Trump was a blusterer, sure, but at least he never walked away from a fight. Biden has, and not just by yanking every US soldier from Afghanistan so fast and incompetently the Taliban strolled back into the capital, Kabul, without firing a shot. Biden himself has just walked off the set.

For six days last week, he stayed virtually out of sight, saying nothing publicly about the chaos he’d unleashed.

On Saturday, he just put out a querulous statement defending a policy so disastrous China’s media is gloating.

On Sunday, Biden was still hiding at his Camp David retreat, but aides issued a picture of him gazing vacantly at a giant TV to suggest he was following events.

US President Joe Biden now makes Trump seem a genius in foreign affairs. Picture: AFP
US President Joe Biden now makes Trump seem a genius in foreign affairs. Picture: AFP

Finally, on Monday he gave a short TV address blaming Trump for the disaster, and then fled back to Camp David, taking no questions.

On Tuesday, his national security adviser even admitted Biden had still not contacted any world leaders since Kabul’s fall.

Then again, what leader would bother talking to a President who was already struggling with symptoms of mental decline, and last month guaranteed Afghanistan would not fall any time soon? I’ve never seen a US president so paralysed.

Biden now makes Trump seem a genius in foreign affairs. Indeed, president Trump had a great record, including broking peace between Israel and three Muslim nations. Biden, though, took just seven months to turn the US into an international joke.

Trump had a great record, including brokering peace between Israel and three Muslim nations. Picture: AFP
Trump had a great record, including brokering peace between Israel and three Muslim nations. Picture: AFP

Trump would also not now make Biden’s latest mistake – to maintain a media near-silence that emphasises his weakness and creates a vacuum for America’s allies.

The contrast with the Taliban, those supposedly primitive butchers, is astonishing. They’ve shown up Biden with their sophisticated public relations.

They’ve told the world they come in peace. They’ve let the Americans and Australia fly out their citizens and allies. They’ve assured the world – in English – they won’t shoot members of the former regime, and won’t this time stop girls from going to school or women from working, as long as they wore a burqa.

I know, that’s very hard to believe, with their brutal record, but first impressions count, and right now the Taliban is scoring while bewildered Biden is snoring.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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