

China busy stripping away our future while Albo on a beach in Fiji

Our new PM thinks he’s fighting China on the beaches of Fiji, when in fact they’re busy right here, stripping away our future.

PM and Foreign Minister attend Pacific Islands Forum in Fiji

Airbus Albanese has jetted off to Fiji – his fourth foreign jaunt in just seven weeks as Prime Minister – to supposedly get China’s foot off our throat.

Er, Mr Albanese? You’re in the wrong place, fighting the wrong battle.

Come home. While you’re under the palm trees of the Pacific, China is busy right here stripping Australia of the energy independence that was key to our wealth.

China is now shipping out 75 per cent of our gas, paying cheaper prices than us and helping to push up wholesale electricity prices by 1200 per cent.

To complete the trap, China meanwhile makes Australians desperately dependent on its solar panels and wind generators for our electricity.

It’s incredible. Australia is selling its economic freedom to the most powerful dictatorship in history.

Albo arriving in Fiji. Picture: AFP
Albo arriving in Fiji. Picture: AFP

We’re saying no, we can’t use our own mountains of coal and uranium or oceans of gas and oil to make our electricity. Think of global warming!

No, we must instead switch to wind and solar, using tech made in China.

Wind, when China dominates much of the lithium-ion battery sector that is crucial in making wind turbines.

Solar, when China already makes 80 per cent of the world’s solar cells, and by 2025 will make 95 per cent, the International Energy Agency warned this week.

Yet there’s Albanese, thinking he’s fighting China on the beaches of Fiji while China is in fact busy right here, stripping away our future.

In Fiji, Albanese plans to preach to Pacific leaders about global warming, which his government this week declared was actually the biggest security challenge in the Pacific. Bigger even than China, said Defence Minister Richard Marles.

But what climate threat? What nonsense is this?

The islands aren’t getting smashed, say, with more cyclones. The opposite: the latest research, published in Nature Climate Change, shows global warming is giving us 13 per cent fewer cyclones.

Nor are the islands drowning, despite bizarre claims this week by Albanese’s Minister for the Pacific, Pat Conroy, that we might have to take in “refugees” from “islands that are disappearing”.

Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong bumps elbows with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Picture: AFP
Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong bumps elbows with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Picture: AFP

In fact, study after study shows the vast majority of atoll islands – 86 per cent, say Auckland University researchers – are growing or at least stable.

The real reason Pacific Island leaders keep wailing about global warming is that they can guilt rich “white” countries like Australia into handing over “climate” aid.

Australia already gives the Pacific more than $100m a year for alleged global warming projects, which turn out to be little more than roads, telecommunications systems and other infrastructure. Albanese now promises even more.

I don’t know if he’s going along with this Pacific scam just to buy us some security – handing over our cash to keep Pacific leaders sweet and stop them selling themselves to China instead.

As Albanese says, “China is seeking to extend its influence” among these leaders and he wants them to “know that Australia wishes to continue to be the security partner of choice”.

But I have a sinking feeling that Albanese actually believes his global warming blather and is playing into China’s hands.

Just look at his insane policies to slash our emissions even harder, inevitably killing even more of our coal-fired power generators, telling us this week we need “a renewable energy supply around six times greater than our region’s current annual solar and wind energy generation”.

China dominates much of the lithium-ion battery sector that is crucial in making wind turbines.
China dominates much of the lithium-ion battery sector that is crucial in making wind turbines.

Oh, wow. Six times more wind generators, bought from China? Six times more solar panels, bought from China? This is selling our energy future to a communist dictatorship already trying to make us kowtow.

Can’t Labor see how China is strangling us with our own rope?

Labor preaches global warming, which China applauds, knowing we’d then wreck our cheap electricity network and cripple our industries.

But China meanwhile does the opposite. It’s increased its own coal supplies and bought more from Mongolia. It’s also bought cheap coal and gas from Russia, which the West now boycotts because of the war in Ukraine.

China will drive down its own power prices, while we increase our own, and you can already see how it will kill us commercially. For instance, with all that cheaper gas China can now make plastics much cheaper than can Western countries.

Its heavy industry also has the cheaper electricity that we deny our own.

So come back, Mr Albanese. The battle for our future is right here. And the more you preach global warming abroad, the more we’re likely to lose our home.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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