
Campaign farce a case of who can shout loudest

There are no winners in this embarrassing election campaign, only childish politicians ripping each other apart to deflect from the lack of actual policies.

Election has been ‘pathetic’: Greg Sheridan

What a humiliating election campaign. Just seeing the so-called “leaders” shouting at each other in Sunday’s debate summed it all up.

Where did the adults go – John Howard, Bob Hawke? Here we now are, as if having to choose who’ll shout loudest for Australia.

But this whole campaign is a farce – six weeks of uselessness at high volume.

Both the Liberals and Labor promise billions of dollars of more spending, with not a word about cutting spending and reigning in our frightening debt, now roaring to $1 trillion.

The Prime Minister tells us to be grateful for what he’s done for us already, without telling us what he’d do for us for the next three years.

The Labor leader makes promises on wage rises he cannot keep.

The climate “independents” promise massive cuts to our emissions without bothering to explain how and at what cost, let alone admit it wouldn’t change the climate anyway.

The lunatic Greens demand our defence spending be cut by a third, our defence alliance with the US be untied and our planned nuclear subs scuttled as if China’s dictatorship was as cuddly as a panda.

How can this parade of wishful thinking, make believe and denial be treated as a serious debate on this country’s future?

Watching the so-called “leaders” shout at each other in Sunday’s debate sums up how embarrassing this campaign has been. Picture: Alex Ellinghausen
Watching the so-called “leaders” shout at each other in Sunday’s debate sums up how embarrassing this campaign has been. Picture: Alex Ellinghausen

Do we blame the politicians for pandering to the worst in us, or blame our voters for being fools to swallow this?

And the lies! Dear God.

The climate “independents” – actually picked, funded and trained by a billionaire’s son – pretend they might back the Liberals into government.

The Greens claim the Liberals have “blood on their hands”, idiotically pretending the Morrison Government’s climate policies somehow caused our bushfires and floods.

Then there’s Labor, running one of the most dishonest ads of any election, showing the Prime Minister repeatedly saying “it’s not my job” as if ducking his responsibilities.

In fact, those “not my jobs” quotes were cut from interviews where Scott Morrison said – properly – it’s “not my job” to lose patience with Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, it’s “not my job” to tell Australians how to spend their money, and it’s “not my job” to be frightened when Australia suffered tough times.

How can Labor lie like this?

But that’s what you get with an election about nothing. No big policy differences to debate, so let’s just rip the other guy apart, limb from limb. Let’s shout and smear and lie.

Let’s embarrass this country. That’s not leading; that’s destroying.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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