

Andrew Bolt: Why Stan Grant’s rant on race sounds like a threat

Stan Grant is luxuriating in his alleged fury at being muzzled during the mourning for Queen Elizabeth — but is his rant a threat?

Stan Grant has described his alleged fury at being muzzled during the mourning for Queen Elizabeth.
Stan Grant has described his alleged fury at being muzzled during the mourning for Queen Elizabeth.

Stan’s rant on race is a warning: Labor’s plan for an Aboriginal-only parliament risks turning into an incitement to war.

In fact, I have an urgent question for Grant, the ABC star who identifies as Aboriginal: Are you threatening us?

In an alarming piece on the ABC website, Grant describes his alleged fury at being muzzled during the mourning for Queen Elizabeth – at not being “supposed to talk about colonisation, empire, violence about Aboriginal sovereignty, not even about the republic”.

Already I suspect Grant is guilty of his typical hyperbole when preaching on our supposed racism. After all, Grant discussed those exact topics on the ABC’s Q&A last week, in an episode called Royalty, a Republic and Truth-Telling.

But who cares about truth when Grant is luxuriating in his righteous rage at (not) being shut up? “I have been short of breath and dizzy,” he writes.

“I feel my pulse racing now. I feel the tension building in my head. The veins constricting.”

Er, shouldn’t Grant seek urgent medical attention? These symptoms sound abnormal.

But then came what sounds to me a threat. Grant wondered how Aborigines didn’t get even: “How do we not fall prey to soul-destroying vengeance.” How incendiary. What “vengeance”, Stan? And against whom?

Senator Lidia Thorpe, the Greens’ ‘justice’ spokesman, already says whites are waging ‘an ongoing war against us’. Picture: Getty Images
Senator Lidia Thorpe, the Greens’ ‘justice’ spokesman, already says whites are waging ‘an ongoing war against us’. Picture: Getty Images

I’m sure Grant means vengeance against whites, because he rages that the Queen’s funeral showed us “history … written as a hymn to whiteness”, and adds: “Sometimes, I wonder what it must be like to be white.”

Pardon, Stan? If you really “wonder what it must be like to be white”, just ask your white wife before publicly trashing whites as some strange and hostile species of which you know little.

But I said Grant’s piece, praised by other ABC presenters, is a warning that Labor’s plans for an Aboriginal-only parliament could turn into an incitement to war.

What if Australians reject this plan when it’s put to a referendum? I guarantee activists and journalists will claim that proves white Australians really are racist and are at war with Aborigines, who must react … how? With “vengeance”?

Indeed, Senator Lidia Thorpe, the Greens’ “justice” spokesman, already says whites are waging “an ongoing war against us”, and in December seemed to cheer what Grant might call “vengeance” – Aboriginal activists burning the doors of our old Parliament House.

“Seems like the colonial system is burning down,” Thorpe gloated. “Happy New Year everyone.”

Labor’s plan is stoking such war talk. Pray no one gets hurt.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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