

Andrew Bolt: Why Donald Trump could have the last laugh

It’s too early to call the US election but it’s nothing like the Biden walkover we were told to expect. Now we can laugh at the race-baiters who insisted Donald Trump was racist, at mainstream media for demonising him for four years and above all, at the Left, writes Andrew Bolt.

Trump has had ‘very clear momentum’ behind him over past six months

How we laugh. Donald Trump could be re-elected!

If true, it’s the sweetest victory of all, against the bullies and elites who most needed to be thrashed.

The result is still too early to call. Both Trump and rival Joe Biden say they’ll win. But Trump is slightly ahead, and, either way, this is nothing like the Biden walkover we were told to expect.

How we now laugh at the pollsters, who tried to tell us Biden would beat Trump like a drum.

How we laugh at the mainstream media, too, for hysterically demonising Trump for four years, peddling one “bombshell” fake claim after another to destroy him.

He’d colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election! He’d bribed Ukraine to destroy Biden! He’d called white racists “good people”!

Lies, lies. The media is one more profession that’s done if Trump wins.

How we laugh at the race-baiters who insisted Trump was a racist, only to see him winning over many black and Latino voters.

How we laugh at Facebook and Twitter, who must now face an inquiry after shamelessly suppressing posts that hurt Joe Biden and censoring ones by Trump.

How we laugh at the Democrats for picking a candidate so old, frail and forgetful that they hid him in his basement for days on end during the campaign, while Trump barnstormed from one battleground state after another.

US President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate and former US Vice President Joe Biden. Picture: AFP
US President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate and former US Vice President Joe Biden. Picture: AFP

But above all, we laugh at the Left for once again being shown that terrorising conservatives does not win elections, but could now lose one more.

This must be a moment of truth for the Left, which has grown toxic with arrogance and even violence. Biden’s loss — if Trump holds on to Pennsylvania, which seems the key state — will shock them, but fits a pattern that damns the new Left and its culture of intimidation.

Pollsters did not predict Trump’s first win. They did not tip what could be a second Trump win. They did not predict that Britons would vote to leave the European Union. They did not predict Scott Morrison’s win last year. See the pattern?

Polls didn’t pick any of those conservative wins because — in part — many conservatives have learned it’s not safe to say what they really think, even to a pollster.

Who can blame them? In America, they have seen the media spend four years abusing Trump supporters as racists and white trash.

They have seen papers like the New York Times fire journalists who offer even a right to reply to conservatives.

They have seen mobs of Leftists torch American cities and menace or bash people who did not back their cause, while Biden’s staff — and running mate Kamala Harris — raised bail money for those arrested.

Even in Australia, we have seen news organisations refuse to hire a single conservative commentator or presenter — the ABC, The Age, SBS, The Guardian, Crikey and many more.

We have seen TV stations, writers festivals and book shops all dump commentators who outraged the Left by speaking their mind.

But guess what? People hate being bullied. They hate being threatened and abused, and the ballot box is the one place they feel safe enough to say: “Get stuffed.”

In America, such people see Trump as their hero.

He has called out exactly those bullies. No conservative leader in the West has most explicitly posed as the underdog and the enemy of the elites.

Trump called out the “fake news media”, to its rage. Trump called out the climate alarmists who threaten the jobs of blue-collar workers with their new religion, while Biden meanwhile foolishly promised to ban fracking and end the oil industry.

If Donald Trump wins now, it’s with the support of exactly the kind of marginalised people the Left was once proud to represent. Picture: Getty Images
If Donald Trump wins now, it’s with the support of exactly the kind of marginalised people the Left was once proud to represent. Picture: Getty Images

Trump also called out the race hustlers, mocking Senator Elizabeth Warren — correctly — as a fake Indian and even banning federal agencies from running training on “white privilege” — the kind of obnoxious hectoring that most people suffer through in scared silence.

Trump called them all out — these bullies and hustlers and patronisers and rioters. The finger-wagging journalists and haughty “experts”. Can you think of a single conservative leader around the Western world with that guts? Scott Morrison? Boris Johnson?

At times it looked like Trump had made more enemies than he could survive, especially when Twitter started to meddle with his direct access to his 87 million followers.

But if he wins now, it’s with the support of exactly the kind of marginalised people the Left was once proud to represent.

Blacks and Latinos voted Republican in numbers rarely seen. Blue-collar workers deserted the Democrats.

The oppressed fled the new oppressors, of the Left. And Trump may have won again. How we laugh.



Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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