

Andrew Bolt: Whoopi proves race politics is making the West stupid

Whoopi Goldberg this week showed the toxic new racism of the left has messed with her brain by preaching the idea that white people are uniquely racist.

Whoopi 'cancelled': 'The View' co-host Whoopi Goldberg suspended over Holocaust remarks

Give the appalling Whoopi Goldberg another Oscar for best supporting actress, this time for playing the biggest idiot promoting race hate against whites and Jews.

Goldberg, now a host of The View on America’s ABC, this week showed the toxic new racism of the left has messed with her brain.

She claimed the Nazis’ Holocaust – murdering six million Jews – was “not about race” because “this is white people doing it to white people, so y’all gonna fight among yourselves”.

The instant outrage forced her to issue an apology much of the media reported as if it ended the matter. She’s a protected species, you see. But then Goldberg went on the Colbert show to repeat her idiocy.

Host Stephen Colbert pointed out the Nazis sure thought their campaign to annihilate Jews was about race – about the “master race” wiping out an allegedly inferior one.

But here is how Goldberg responded: “The Nazis lied. They had issues with ethnicity, not with race, because most of the Nazis were white people and most of the people they were attacking were white people.

Whoopi Goldberg this week showed the toxic new racism of the left has messed with her brain. Picture: AFP
Whoopi Goldberg this week showed the toxic new racism of the left has messed with her brain. Picture: AFP

“So to me, I’m thinking, how can you say it’s about race if you are fighting each other?

“This wasn’t racial, this was about white on white.”

Here’s why Goldberg’s ignorance is actually racist. She has bought the new racist idea that only whites are racist, and only non-whites are victims. So it’s not racism if whites kill Jews, who Goldberg classes as whites. Ergo: there’s nothing racist or even so special about the Holocaust.

Goldberg also doesn’t like talking about black racism against whites and Asians, have you noticed?

She is not alone in believing or preaching the racist idea that white people are uniquely racist.

Ironically, even America’s Anti-Defamation League, dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism but run by the left, has changed its definition of racism to make it exclusively a white sin, as if Hutus never slaughtered Tutsis: racism, it now says, is “the marginalisation and/or oppression of people of colour based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people”.

Oops. The ADL is now scolding Goldberg, without admitting she’s only following the ADL’s own racist whites-only definition of racism.

“There’s no question that the Holocaust was about race,” its boss now protests, noting Hitler himself had said: “The Jews undoubtedly are a race, but they are not human”.

Truly, race politics is making the West stupid – and racist, too. Jews should worry.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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