

Andrew Bolt: Warmists promote Bruce Pascoe’s climate preaching

Bruce Pascoe is preaching fact-free white eco-fantasies of nature worship — despite the latest data about global warming.

Victorian government and Melbourne University should stop 'supporting' the 'fake' Bruce Pascoe

I am probably wasting my time telling you the latest brilliant data about global warming. After all, truth now matters so little that Bruce Pascoe still gets called an Aborigine.

Yes, the taxpayer-funded WOMADelaide Festival will in March have Pascoe — this “Yuin, Bunurong and Tasmanian man” — preach on tackling global warming with “climate fighting farming”.

And the latest issue of Meanjin, a magazine of the Left that mooches off Melbourne University funds, has Pascoe outlining an imagined Aboriginal religion as if he really were Aboriginal himself: “We believe that mother Earth owes nothing to mere humans …”

This promotion of Pascoe, still a Melbourne University professor, is bizarre. He long claimed he was Aboriginal through one of his mother’s grandmothers before finally admitting she was actually English. Indeed, genealogical records show all of his ancestors are of English descent.

They may be wrong, but Pascoe refuses now to give any proof of his alleged Aboriginal ancestry, which is denied by two organisations representing tribes to which he still claims to belong.

It may seem weird that this irrational Pascoe worship comes from the same kind of people who chant that they “follow the science” about global warming. Yet it fits.

Bruce Pascoe Pascoe refuses now to give any proof of his alleged Aboriginal ancestry. Picture: Luke Bowden
Bruce Pascoe Pascoe refuses now to give any proof of his alleged Aboriginal ancestry. Picture: Luke Bowden

This WOMADelaide Festival, funded by the federal and South Australian “Liberal” governments, also says it’s very concerned about the “climate crisis” and we need a “renewed relationship to the planet”.

Meanwhile, the taxpayer-funded ABC, which crusades on global warming and promotes Pascoe in schools, last week also promoted CLIMARTE, a new art gallery in Melbourne, which preposterously “aims to provide a space for the community to process that grief and despair associated with the climate crisis”.

But I ask again: what crisis? The statistics are clear: the planet is greening, grain crops keep setting records, island nations aren’t sinking, and humans have never been less likely to be killed by climate catastrophes.

And to the latest news. Britain’s Office for National Statistics has now checked whether our (slightly) warming planet really is killing people as climate messiah Greta Thunberg claims.

It’s conclusion: no. Warming so far this century has instead saved the lives of 555,103 Britons. That’s because cold weather is much deadlier than hot, making this warming planet so far a healthier one.

But how useless are such facts against the warmists? No, these believers feel much safer with Bruce Pascoe, a reassuringly white “Aborigine” preaching fact-free white eco-fantasies of nature worship. All on your dime.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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