

Andrew Bolt: War exposes Labor’s weakness and Scott Morrison’s strength

Scott Morrison’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been strong and it could just win him the election he looked sure to lose.

Morrison’s attitude to China ‘based on conviction’

What a difference a war makes. Now Scott Morrison could just win the election he looked sure to lose.

That’s because when Russian despot Vladimir Putin sent in the tanks, they ran right over Fake Morrison.

Three weeks ago, I said that fake looked finished as Prime Minister.

He was apologising to women for things he’d never done – and still having his apologies thrown in his face.

He flogged don’t-hit-me policies on global warming that even Liberals supporters thought were fake.

He seemed a flim flam leader who’d run out of flim. And flam. The Liberals sank to 12 points behind Labor in Newspoll, with less than three months to the election.

But then came mad Vlad – and a new Morrison, with real conviction and a plan. And Labor’s weakness is exposed.

Morrison’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been strong. He’s also rightly demanded China stop backing its Russian mates in this war against a democracy – like the war China plans on Taiwan.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has had a strong reaction to the war. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Brenton Edwards
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has had a strong reaction to the war. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Brenton Edwards

Morrison speaks from the heart, partly because he’s a Christian who well understands a battle between good and evil – freedom and tyranny.

And voters now see in Ukraine what China’s new “unbreakable” alliance with Russia really means, perhaps for us, too.

True, the Liberals haven’t done enough to get us the weapons we need, but Morrison at least ordered nuclear submarines with the range to threaten China’s navy, and strengthened critical defence alliances with other countries China threatens.

Labor insists it is no different to the Liberals here, but that’s false. For one, when Labor was last in power it cut defence spending to its lowest level of GDP since 1938.

Now it has crazy global warming policies which would drive more of our gassy industries to China – making us poorer and China richer.

Australia’s last maker of urea – needed to start diesel motors – already said last year it would close because gas prices were too high, in part because of the move from “dirty” coal. That leaves us even more dependent on China’s supplies.

A national security election needs time to work, but every day of this war lets Morrison show he’s no fake and on top of a real threat. Every day makes Labor’s attacks on him look pettier, and raises the big question about Labor leader Anthony Albanese: Is he safe?

Morrison is still the underdog, but now sniffs his big chance. Maybe he should call his election soon to exploit it.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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