

Andrew Bolt: There must be a better way to defeat this virus

As coronavirus kills our elderly, destroys our economy and puts hundreds of thousands out of work, our authoritarian leaders just say “follow the rules”. But if we suggest there may be better way of fighting this threat, see how viciously they respond, writes Andrew Bolt.

Tony Abbott: Daniel Andrews is running a 'health dictatorship' in Victoria

There is a better way to fight this virus. But stopping it are the hysterics — cruel, but self-righteous — who put politics above evidence.

Never mind that this brutal way of fighting the virus has still seen hundreds of the elderly killed in nursing homes we failed to protect.

Never mind that millions of younger Australians with almost no chance of dying have meanwhile been locked in their homes.

Never mind the economic crash, our worst yet, with growth shrinking a record 7 per cent in the June quarter.

Never mind that hundreds of thousands of Australians have been made jobless by restrictions and border bans that didn’t need to be this harsh.

Never mind that many thousands of Australians have lost their savings — almost their sanity — by shutdowns ordered by politicians pandering to voters they’ve made fearful.

Never mind the people left to die alone in hospital, their children pointlessly banned from their bedside.

Victoria’s catastrophically inept Premier Daniel Andrews tells us to just ‘follow the rules’. Picture: David Crosling
Victoria’s catastrophically inept Premier Daniel Andrews tells us to just ‘follow the rules’. Picture: David Crosling

Never mind a generation of students who’ve had a whole year of education ruined.

Just “follow the rules”, our authoritarians mindlessly chant.

Follow the rules of leaders like Victoria’s catastrophically inept Premier.

But suggest a better way of fighting this virus and see how viciously the authoritarians respond.

On Wednesday, former prime minister Tony Abbott said community-wide bans to stop a virus that overwhelmingly kills frail people aged over 80 were causing shocking harm to everyone else.

In response, Labor leader Anthony Albanese falsely accused Abbott of heartlessly saying “it would be acceptable if there were more deaths”.

Another example. I have argued since March that we had to do more to protect the old, particularly in aged care, but then ease bans on the young and fit, who have nearly zero chance of dying from the virus.

Former PM Tony Abbott said community-wide bans to stop a virus that overwhelmingly kills frail people aged over 80 were causing shocking harm to everyone else. Picture: Getty Images
Former PM Tony Abbott said community-wide bans to stop a virus that overwhelmingly kills frail people aged over 80 were causing shocking harm to everyone else. Picture: Getty Images

In response, Left-wing Age columnist Jon Faine, the former ABC host, claimed I was a killer: “Hundreds may be dying because of Andrew Bolt ... creating doubt where there is none.”

Sydney Morning Herald columnist Peter FitzSimons deceitfully claimed I wanted us to “simply accept that we will lose some older Australians along the way”.

Another example. Liberal MP Craig Kelly has correctly said many studies suggest hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug promoted by Donald Trump, could save virus patients in the early stages of the illness, especially when given with zinc.

In response, federal Labor health spokesman Chris Bowen demanded parliament censure Kelly, accusing him of peddling “misinformation and conspiracy theories” — vilifying Kelly in the very week that five more studies agreed that hydroxychloroquine works.

There is a pattern here. Politics is getting in the way of saving lives and saving jobs.

Just see how premiers put up border bans that impose quarantine on tourists coming from states with fewer than 10 sick people, knowing terrified voters will thank them for doing something so destructively out of proportion.

Politics, not medicine, too often divides us. On one side are people, often individualists, appalled by the damage being done by these bans; on the other are people who love Big Government and the snap of authority.

Like I said, there is a better way.

You can read it in a letter on Wednesday to Premier Daniel Andrews from more than 25 medical experts, including professors, surgeons and doctors. Read it on my blog.

Just see how premiers put up border bans that impose quarantine on tourists coming from states with fewer than 10 sick people. Picture: Simon Dallinger
Just see how premiers put up border bans that impose quarantine on tourists coming from states with fewer than 10 sick people. Picture: Simon Dallinger

Let me summarise their points.

DON’T exaggerate the virus danger: “For people who are physically well and under 60 years of age, the mortality risk is extremely low.”

KEEP perspective: fewer than 700 Australians, most old and with other conditions, have so far died with the virus, but “deaths from influenza each and every year is between 3500 and 4000”.

DON’T base policies on just the number of infections: also consider “side effects of any policy, its cost effectiveness, the quality of life years lost, and the cost per life”.

P ROTECT the most vulnerable: “The death rate has risen sharply in aged care facilities where the risk of transmission… has been unacceptably high.”

LIFT many bans: “The medical, psychological and social costs of the lockdown are disproportionately enormous compared to the limited good being done by current policies.”

I’d also ask for more creativity. Don’t close your eyes to potential cures such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, both with zinc.

Import faster, on-the-spot virus tests so employers can test workers each day and safely open workplaces.

Meanwhile, keep social distancing rules, and tough quarantine for the infectious and travellers from overseas.

There is a better way. We can no longer afford this one.



Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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