

Andrew Bolt: Stan Grant is preaching racist nonsense on the ABC

ABC presenter Stan Grant this week fell even deeper into an anti-white paranoia while preaching racist claptrap on the ABC.

ABC diversity guidelines are 'insane': Andrew Bolt

Something weird has happened to presenter Stan Grant. I’m sure he meant to be against racism, yet now preaches racist claptrap on the ABC.

Does the ABC have the guts to stop him?

Last month was bad enough. Grant, who identifies as Aboriginal, said he was “dizzy” with rage as the Queen’s funeral turned history into “a hymn to whiteness”.

“Sometimes, I wonder what it must be like to be white,” seethed Grant, who need only ask his white wife. Then came what seemed to me an implied threat: “How do we (Aborigines) not fall prey to soul-destroying vengeance?”

Grant this week fell even deeper into an anti-white paranoia, writing on the ABC website it was impossible to understand China’s threat “without understanding whiteness”.

Stan Grant penned a bizarre opinion piece for the ABC.
Stan Grant penned a bizarre opinion piece for the ABC.

“Race sits at the heart of it all”, he claimed, because China was opposed by what it saw as a “race-based military bloc of white countries” which had subjected it to a “hundred years of humiliation”. Hang on, Stan. China’s worst conflict was actually with imperial Japan, which killed up to four million Chinese between 1937 and 1945.

But Grant lets his white hatred really hang out. “Yes,” he admitted, “but the Japanese themselves cannot be separated from the project of whiteness”.

According to Grant, that’s because whites used to think the Japanese were kind-of white, and Japan’s imperialism “mirrored the imperialism of white colonisers”.

So, by that crazy reasoning, we blame whites for Japan’s crimes, too? It seems in Grant’s fevered mind, white is the colour of sin.

As he puts it: “For the past three centuries, power and whiteness have been synonymous. From the British Empire to the American century, white nations have exported violence, committed genocide, stolen land and made it all legal.”

Missing in Grant’s blame-whitey rant is any recognition that racism is as old as history, as is the desire to conquer.

The Ottoman Empire, which ended after World War 1, was not white.

The Mongol conquerors of India were not white. Africa’s Ashanti Empire was not white.

Grant hopes China “may represent the end of whiteness”, but alas: “the Chinese Communist Party itself mirrors whiteness” because its dictator is “persecuting non-Han, non-white people in his own country”, like Muslim Uighurs.

“If whiteness is power, Xi Jinping is its champion,” Grant explains.

You see, Han Chinese oppressors are “white”, too.

So evil is “white” even if China’s dictator commits it?

Should an ABC presenter preach such racist nonsense?

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