

Andrew Bolt: Shameful Albanese government believes in apartheid

Once the Left fought Apartheid. Now Labor is building – bit by bit – the architecture for a new Aboriginal state.

Indigenous Voice to Parliament debate not about ‘being Indigenous’

For the first time in our history, Australia will have an ambassador for just one race. Yes, this shameful Albanese government really does believe in apartheid.

Anyone claiming to be Aboriginal has until Friday to apply to be our first Ambassador for First Nations People.

Note the word “Nations”. Labor is building – bit by bit – the architecture for a new Aboriginal state.

It’s already planning to create an Aboriginal parliament, written into our constitution, and a future Aboriginal government must of course have its own ambassador.

In fact, Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has now placed an ad looking for just that.

She says the lucky winner will consult “First Nations communities” to make sure we have a foreign policy that “supports First Nations businesses and exporters”, “supports indigenous rights”, and builds “connections across the Indo-Pacific region”, presumably with brown nations.

After all, doesn’t Labor think all brown people are in some mystic way alike?

So we’re getting an Aboriginal ambassador pushing an Aboriginal foreign policy meant to help only Aboriginal business.

Senator Penny Wong has further embarrassed herself and the nation by trading in crude racial stereotypes in selling this apartheid. Picture: Gary Ramage
Senator Penny Wong has further embarrassed herself and the nation by trading in crude racial stereotypes in selling this apartheid. Picture: Gary Ramage

Once we had a White Australia immigration policy: no non-whites need apply. Now we have an Aboriginal ambassador representing Aboriginal “nations”: no whites need apply.

Exactly what is the moral difference? Yet our government is behind this destructive racism.

Wong has further embarrassed herself and the nation by trading in crude racial stereotypes in selling this apartheid.

This Aboriginal Ambassador, she said, would “ensure the unique perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are included in our international engagements”.

Is Wong seriously claiming all Aborigines think alike, having “unique perspectives” not shared by Australians of other races?

Gosh, I wonder what “unique perspectives” Aborigines all have on communist China, the war in Ukraine or trade deals with Japan.

And do Aborigines, unlike the rest of us, really all share the same Aboriginal “perspectives”? Seriously?

Will this Aboriginal Ambassador represent the foreign policy priorities of, say, Nationals Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, a fierce fighter for freedom, or will Wong instead appoint a tribalist from the victim industry who’ll represents only Aborigines who fit Labor’s ideological stereotype of what “real” Aborigines are and think?

No prizes for guessing.

The more questions you ask about this job, the more pathetically racist it seems.

For instance, if race is so determinative to Wong, could she – of Malaysian-Chinese ancestry – explain why she can represent every other race in this country without a problem, but needs an Aboriginal Ambassador for the remaining 3.7 per cent of us?

Anyone claiming to be Aboriginal has until Friday to apply to be our first Ambassador for First Nations People.
Anyone claiming to be Aboriginal has until Friday to apply to be our first Ambassador for First Nations People.

Surely the penny is now dropping, even for people who thought Labor’s plan for an Aboriginal-only parliament, with the cute name of the Voice, sounded harmless.

I talked last week to a colleague, Sky News host Chris Kenny, who’s been a strong supporter of the Voice, but said he was dead against this new Aboriginal Ambassador.

Sorry, but the two are connected. Once you think Aborigines are so different that they need their own parliament, you’ve given the whole game away.

Next step: what’s a parliament without a nation? What’s a nation without sovereignty? Suddenly everything is on the table.

This has been so obvious to any with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Listen to the slogans: “Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land”, and “sovereignty was never ceded”. Listen to activists, like Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe as she chokes on swearing allegiance to our monarch. Listen to Victoria’s First People’s Assembly talk about the treaty it will negotiate with Victoria’s government, as if both sides were nations fighting over the same land.

I knew we’d get to this point because I once introduced indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney to a man claiming to be the “foreign minister” of a new Aboriginal nation, and saw her eyes light up.

I’d taken Burney to the supposedly sovereign Aboriginal Yidinji Nation near Cairns to film an ABC documentary on the push for a treaty between Aborigines and the rest of us.

I wanted her to meet not just the Yidinji “foreign minister”, a former SBS journalist, but its “prime minister”, to see for herself where her radical race politics would take Australia.

I meant it as a warning. Burney took it as an inspiration.

I asked her if she backed this model, an Aboriginal “nation” with its own “prime minister”, and she enthusiastically replied: “I do”.

What Burney endorsed is what Labor is now creating, even if it doesn’t always realise where it’s leading.

Apartheid is coming to Australia. Once the Left fought it; now it builds it.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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