
Andrew Bolt: Racism label has ABC too scared to tell truth

Meyne Wyatt’s appearance on Q&A this week seems to show that race baiters telling wild untruths on the ABC are leaving white presenters too scared, too self-hating or too patronising to contradict them, writes Andrew Bolt.

Meyne Wyatt's emotional Q&A monologue

It seems not enough that race riots are burning the United States. On Monday the ABC broadcast yet again — unchallenged — an incitement of violent race protest here, too.

This time its Q&A program invited Meyne Wyatt, who identifies as Aboriginal and calls Australia Day “Garbage Day”, to vent his rage at a country that’s made him a celebrated actor.

What followed on a program laughably called “Hard Truths” was yet another example of how our civilisation is being destroyed from within — its history trashed, its people vilified and its crimes invented.

Wyatt first defended the rioting in America: “There are riots, and people are talking about order? Who cares about order if there’s no justice?”

He then turned to the “demands” of Aborigines that this Logie-nominated actor presumed to represent.

Meyne Wyatt on Q&A. Picture: ABC
Meyne Wyatt on Q&A. Picture: ABC

“We want justice. I’m sick of talking about being in order, ‘cause you know what? It doesn’t work. Being peaceful — peaceful protests — don’t work.”

To me, that seemed not just a defence of violent protests, but an incitement.

Yet not a single person on the panel, which included Labor frontbencher Jim Chalmers and Liberal MP Andrew Bragg, challenged Wyatt or said peaceful protests do work in the right cause. See what Gandhi achieved. Look at Martin Luther King Jr. Or Christ.

Nor did Q&A host Hamish Macdonald, another ABC Leftist, object to this seeming call to arms.

As for the three other panellists, forget it. The ABC had again picked strident race warriors — people guaranteed to raise dangerous passions in these tense times.

One was another actor, Nakkiah Lui, who on the ABC last year screamed at the audience: “F … Whitey! S..t on your colonisation … burn this place to the ground!”

On Monday, Lui claimed whites, particularly white police, were racists who were killing Aborigines and needed to be told this was wrong.

“We’re not crying out for justice, Hamish. We’re saying, ‘Don’t kill us’. We don’t want to be killed because we’re black.”

Again, not one person on the show told Lui she was peddling a false and inflammatory stereotype.

The biggest killers of Aborigines are not white people but other Aborigines. From 1991 to 2012, Aborigines murdered 765 Aborigines, as well as 230 non-Aborigines. Non-Aborigines murdered 101 Aborigines, and they went to jail for it.

The final member of Monday’s panel was Nyadol Nyuon, a Sudanese-born lawyer who Australia took in as a refugee.

Why are the new race baiters not contradicted by the people we pay to defend our society and civilisation? Picture: AFP
Why are the new race baiters not contradicted by the people we pay to defend our society and civilisation? Picture: AFP

Aborigines, Nyuon declared, “watched their children killed”, presumably by whites.

“I am sorry that I did not know the name, even a single name, of the 400 people that were murdered (in custody).”

Nyuon, too, was not corrected by the panel or host.

Nor has one premier or police chief rebutted this toxic falsehood that’s been peddled several times lately on the ABC and by Leftist groups such as GetUp and They seem too filled with self-loathing or too scared of appearing racist to defend Australia with the truth.

No, police and prison warders have not “killed” 432 Aborigines in custody since 1991. The vast majority of those deaths were from natural causes, and almost all the rest from suicides.

In fact, Aborigines in jail are less likely to die there than are white prisoners, and that’s been so for every one of the last 17 years, says the Australian Institute of Criminology.

Why are these facts buried? Why are the new race baiters not contradicted by the people we pay to defend our society and civilisation?

Instead, the ABC — captured by our deeply alienated Left — routinely trashes Australia and gives the microphone to such preachers of hatred and even violence.

Last year, for instance, Q&A hosted Ashton Applewhite, an “anti-ageism” activist, who also defended political violence: “If that’s what it takes, that’s what it takes.”

Nayuka Gorrie, a race activist who identifies as Aboriginal, used that same program to call for Australia to be torched.

“We’ve tried for 230-plus years to appeal to the colonisers’ morality which doesn’t seem to exist,” she sneered.

“I think violence is OK because if someone is trying to kill you, there’s no amount of ‘Oh, but I’m really clever’ … is going to save you, so, yeah, let’s burn stuff.”

Then, too, no panellist contradicted her. Nor did host Fran Kelly. So who are the real racists?

Could it be the race baiters now telling wild untruths on the ABC about racist “whiteys” and murderous white police, as white presenters sit mute, too scared, too self-hating or too patronising to contradict a black speaker?



Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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