
Andrew Bolt: Race sensitivity course teaches kids to trash Australia

While Aussie kids fall behind other countries in maths reading and science, they are having lessons in race-baiting garbage to make them hate their country.

Australia seems 'angrier and more divided' amid a 'race industry out of control'

I have a question for the fools in the NSW Education Department who’ve decided to teach white students to hate themselves and the rest of the class to hate their country.

One day young Australians will be called upon to defend this country — as past generations have done. Look at China now, preparing for war.

But these young Australians will be asked to defend a country that they’ve been taught is racist, genocidal, women-hating and planet-destroying.

I wonder how many will bother.

But, really, why should we worry about what China will do to us when we now see what race-baiters in our own education bureaucracy are doing already?

In NSW, the Education Department has now devised an online race sensitivity course — “Racism No Way” — that preaches to our children the kind of inflammatory race politics already tearing America apart.

It is also used by schools interstate. Go check it out. Have you ever seen an education course so destructive, ignorant, dishonest, defeatist, divisive, racist, petty and perverse? And to think this poison is pumped into our schools by an Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell, of a supposedly “Liberal” government.

Remember the Liberals? The party that once believed in patriotism and treating people as individuals, not members of a tribe?

How low that party has sunk. How debased it is.

I say Racism No Way is destructive because it trashes Australia, claiming it is riddled with “institutional racism” and is “only lucky for a select few”, with racist schools just reflecting “white middle class values”.

I say Racism No Way is ignorant because it claims Aborigines, on average, live shorter lives thanks to “the historical legacy of dispossession and racism”, when the truth is that Aboriginal health and welfare is worst in Aboriginal settlements more connected to Aboriginal culture.

I say Racism No Way is dishonest because students are shown a film claiming that to be born white means “you’re out here winning”, when many white children are poor and not winning anything.

In NSW, the Education Department has devised an online race sensitivity course that preaches the kind of inflammatory race politics already tearing America apart.
In NSW, the Education Department has devised an online race sensitivity course that preaches the kind of inflammatory race politics already tearing America apart.

It is even more dishonest when it claims as evidence of racism and “white privilege” the fact that in the US, white men out-earn every other racial group “with the exception of Asian men” — an exception which immediately destroys the whole self-pitying argument that race, rather than culture, explains why some groups don’t do so well.

I say Racism No Way is defeatist because in Britain, too, Indian and Chinese out-earn whites, yet here is the NSW Education Department still using racism to excuse any failure of people of colour, inspiring students to give up, not try harder. A more honest and useful lesson would be this: western societies actually reward people — like Jews — who tend to have a culture of work, learning and excellence.

I say Racism No Way is divisive not just because it demonises whites, but because it urges students to back a treaty to divide us by “race”, complaining that Australia is the “only Commonwealth country never to have entered into a treaty agreement with its indigenous people”.

Naturally, this dishonest course refuses to give the reason: Aboriginal political structures at white settlement were much more primitive than, say, Maori ones. No one could speak for Aboriginal tribes as a whole.

In fact, race activists have it both ways, complaining that the one real effort at a treaty — when explorer John Batman “bought” the site of Melbourne from local tribes in exchange for blankets, knives, mirrors, axes, scissors, beads and flour — “took advantage” of Aborigines who were on an “unequal playing field” and could not understand what they were signing.

I say Racism No Way is racist because it suggests only whites are racists, defining “white privilege” as “the absence of suspicion, prejudice and other negative behaviours that people who are objects of racism experience”. How ironic, in a course so anti-white.

I say Racism No Way is trivial because a course video complains that “white people get perks”, among which it lists whites getting bandaids in their skin colour, making more money from marijuana and ‘being able to use complimentary shampoo and conditioner in a hotel”.

How did this trash get approved by the NSW Education Department?

Why is this race-baiting garbage taught to Australian children already falling behind students in other countries in maths, reading and science?

Is there a clearer sign of our intellectual, moral and societal decline?

And that is why I say Racism No Way is also perverse. Like the “Liberal” education minister who so blindly defends it.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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