

Andrew Bolt: Proof that global warming hucksters are lying

Labor keeps telling us green electricity is the cheapest power around, and coal expensive — so why aren’t power prices down?

There's a 'bit of realism' from Labor on power prices

There are two things Labor – and much of the media – will lie about, and shamelessly. In a “good” cause, of course.

One is race politics. The other, as the latest Australian Energy Market Operator’s report confirms, is global warming.

For instance, the Albanese government often claims the previous Liberal-led governments did nothing about global warming – or, as the Prime Minister puts it, gave us a “decade of inaction on climate change”.

If only that were true. In fact, the Liberals caved in to the warming hysteria, and the AEMO’s Quarterly Energy Dynamics report shows exactly how much – and how it will hurt you.

It turns out the Morrison government did plenty, and too much already. In its last year, wind and grid-scale solar generation exploded by 21 per cent. The Greens should be cheering.

But we now have exactly the opposite of the warmer weather but cheaper power bills the global warming hucksters promised.

Instead, the AEMO report says we were hit by cold weather and massively higher power prices, in part caused by exactly what warmists want: less electricity from coal.

For every solar panel, we’ll need another dozen in order to meet Labor’s 2050 emissions targets.
For every solar panel, we’ll need another dozen in order to meet Labor’s 2050 emissions targets.

It says black coal generation’s output of electricity in the past three months was the lowest for that quarter on record.

So power prices should be down, right? Doesn’t Labor keep telling us green electricity is the cheapest power around, and coal expensive?

To repeat: they lie. Instead, you are about to get hammered through your power bills, despite the billions in subsidies our governments have already wasted on renewable energy.

AEMO admits the average wholesale spot price for electricity in the past three months was double the previous record, and now you will pay.

You’ll keep paying, too, as the Albanese government pushes for even deeper cuts to our emissions to pretend to stop the global warming it pretends is a catastrophe.

AEMO’s report says that to meet Labor’s emissions targets we’ll need three times more wind and solar power in the next eight years than we have now, and 12 times more by 2050.

So for every wind tower on our coasts and hills, imagine 12 more. For every solar panel, we’ll need another dozen.

How much will all this cost? Add all the wires we’ll have to build to these new generators, plus the standby gas generators for when the wind doesn’t blow or sun shine.

And all to make zero difference to the climate. But that’s one more truth Labor won’t tell you.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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