
Andrew Bolt: Politicians cannot let Lidia Thorpe get away with breaking her oath

It’s time for the politicians wittering their dismay and issuing futile calls for Lidia Thorpe to resign from parliament to get serious about kicking the race-baiting Senator out.

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Our politicians cannot let Lidia Thorpe get away with breaking her oath and making a fool of our parliament. It’s time for some humiliation.

“You are not my king,” this race-baiting Senator shouted at King Charles at Parliament House on Monday.

“You committed genocide against our people. Give us our land back … F. k the colony.”

Let’s leave aside Thorpe’s “genocide” lie, her rudeness, her cretinously foul language and her idiotic assumption – primitive, really – that the unelected head of state of our democracy has the right to “give back” Australia to anyone, let alone to a grifter like Thorpe, whose ancestors are actually of mostly British descent.

To all the politicians wittering their dismay and issuing futile calls for Thorpe to resign from parliament, I have a request.

Get serious. Note those first five words of Thorpe’s harangue: “You are not my king.”

Right there Thorpe publicly disowned an oath or affirmation she made under section 42 of our constitution – which every politicians must make before they’re allowed to take their seat.

It’s time for politicians to get serious about kicking Lidia Thorpe out of parliament. Picture: Victoria Jones
It’s time for politicians to get serious about kicking Lidia Thorpe out of parliament. Picture: Victoria Jones

In 2022, the newly elected Thorpe stood in our parliament and swore she did “solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance” to our then Queen and “her successors”. You know, King Charles III.

This was her pledge to follow the rules by which this country is run.

But now she tells the King to whom she’d promised her “true allegiance” that he’s “not my king”.

Breaking your word was long considered the act of a scoundrel. Breaking your sworn oath of loyalty was even worse, and once called treason.

Our politicians cannot afford to tolerate this oath-breaking by a Senator of our parliament.

If they now agree treat their oaths of allegiance to King and constitution as trivial, what of the rest of us? What of the oaths and affirmations we must swear when we give evidence in court, or sign some legal document?

Just kidding, your honour?

If Thorpe refuses to pledge her allegiance to the King she should be out. Picture: Victoria Jones
If Thorpe refuses to pledge her allegiance to the King she should be out. Picture: Victoria Jones

No, Thorpe must be asked by the president of the Senate to clear up any, er, confusion by restating her pledge of allegiance to the King on the floor of the Senate.

Show it on live TV. If Thorpe refuses, she should be out, even if parliament must first vote itself the rights it once had to kick out politicians for sedition.

If she caves, she’s publicly humiliated as a two-timer of no principle, who’ll say anything for a headline and a Senator’s $233,660 salary.

True, this will seem a lot of fuss over an oath that many on the Left will think anachronistic. Indeed, some politicians already warn that trying to punish Thorpe just gives her the attention she’s after.

Reality check: she’s got the attention already, and not in a good way.

The ABC, typically, is treating Thorpe almost as a hero, with headlines like “Lidia Thorpe: ‘Get used to truth-telling’”, “Lidia Thorpe’s King Charles protest was a masterclass on how to make front-page news in 2024”, and ‘Not really accurate’ to ‘very ballsy’: First Nations Australians react to Lidia Thorpe’s message to King Charles”.

For politicians to just splutter helplessly as Thorpe gets media parts for breaking her vow would be to signal that none think our constitution, king and vows are much chop.

King Charles and Queen Camilla in Sydney. Picture: Chris Jackson
King Charles and Queen Camilla in Sydney. Picture: Chris Jackson

They’d also seem contemptibly weak while Thorpe again disgraces our parliament.

What a foul record she has. After heckling the King, she even shared an image of Charles beheaded on her Instagram page, before deleting it and blaming unnamed staff.

Before this, Thorpe celebrated when protesters burned the doors of the Old Parliament House, tweeting: “Seems like the colonial system is burning down. Happy New Year everyone.”

She abused police at a violent protest, screaming: “You are the criminals in this country.” This year she wore a mock headband in the colours of the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered 1200 Jews.

She’s meanwhile spread incendiary falsehoods about our past, including baseless stories of white men burying Aboriginal babies up to their heads in sand and holding “tests to see who could kick the babies’ head off the furthest”. She last year preached a race war against white Australia: “This is a war! … They are still raping our women.”

And now she’s broken the oath she swore as a condition of sitting in the parliament she shames.

Our politicians have a choice: do nothing and let the new barbarians gloat at their weakness? Or defend our constitution and hold Thorpe to account for breaking her worthless word?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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