

Andrew Bolt: Plans for ‘Voice’ is dangerous and dumb

ABC host Phillip Adams’ nasty comment to Kamahl shows why the Albanese government’s plan for a referendum to create a “Voice” is dangerous and dumb.

ABC host Phillip Adams.
ABC host Phillip Adams.

ABC host Phillip Adams swears he’s no racist because – look! – his white-complexioned wife, former model Patrice Newell, is actually Aboriginal.

Yes, that’s his excuse for mocking Malaysian-born singer Kamahl as an “Honorary White”.

An Uncle Tom.

“Adams a racist?” Adams tweeted after even fans complained.

“I doubt my Aboriginal wife and youngest daughter would agree.”

That’s our race politics today.

Adams insists the black Kamahl is white and his white wife is black. And uses that to excuse being cruel to Kamahl.

But I should thank the old fraud. Adams shows why the Albanese government’s plan for a referendum this year to create a “Voice” – a kind of Aboriginal-only parliament, enshrined in our Constitution – is dangerous and dumb.

This fuss with Kamahl blew up when a letter emerged, in which cricket legend Sir Donald Bradman congratulated then Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser two days after Fraser’s Liberals crushed Gough Whitlam’s Labor.

Entertainer Kamahl.
Entertainer Kamahl.

This infuriated Adams, a Labor tribalist who tweeted Bradman was “a RWNJ [right-wing nutjob]”, prompting Kamahl to defend Bradman, a friend for 13 years.

Adams turned savage: “Clearly, Kamahl, he made you an Honorary White. Whereas one of the most towering political figures of the 20th century [Nelson Mandela] was deemed unworthy of Bradman’s approval.”

Adams was not just vicious but wrong.

Bradman certainly approved of Mandela, exchanging letters and inscribing a bat: “To Nelson Mandela. In recognition of a great unfinished innings.”

But Adams wouldn’t apologise, insisting instead he couldn’t be racist because his wife was Aboriginal.

Yet Adams’ pathetic excuse exposes some of the idiocy behind Labor’s planned “Voice”.

He hasn’t just shown that the most avid backers of the Voice can be very cruel, more into dividing us than uniting.

More importantly, who exactly is this Voice meant to represent? Adams’ wife?

Newell discovered only late in life her birth mother had Aboriginal ancestry, and Newell now calls herself a “proud Gundijtmara woman”, even though she was adopted by a white family and lived as a white woman for most of her life.

Why does she now need additional political rights as an Aborigine?

Indeed, the last two census collections show 130,000 Australians decided to identify as Aboriginal when they hadn’t the census before.

So Adams makes me ask again: shouldn’t the Albanese government sort out who really is Aboriginal before creating this extra parliament?

Even better, why not call off this madness and just ask everyone to be polite?

Adams especially.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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