

Andrew Bolt: No surprise Left wing race-baiters blame Smith’s slap on whites

It takes award-winning derangement to see a black Oscar-winner slap a black comedian and yet blame it on whites.

The 'real masculinity' on the Oscars stage was from Chris Rock

And the Oscar for the most lunatic take on Will Smith smacking Chris Rock in the face goes to ... the race-baiters of the Left.

Yes, it takes award-winning derangement to see a black Oscar-winner slap a black comedian at an event run by a black man and co-hosted by two black women, yet still blame whites.

But Channel 9 entertainment reporter Brooke Boney, who noisily identifies as Aboriginal, was one of many in the race industry who managed just that, tweeting: “To hell with black men who put black women down for the benefit of a mostly white audience.”

Er, pardon? Whites somehow incited this?

Let’s review the tape. Rock told a poor joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, who had cut off her hair, saying he looked forward to seeing her in a GI Jane sequel. It’s unclear if he knew she has alopecia, which causes hair loss.

What is clear is that Will Smith laughed at the joke. But his wife grimaced, and Smith suddenly felt – I assume – not just anger at Rock, but shame at himself. So he marched on stage and belted Rock.

Will Smith slaps Chris Rock onstage during the Oscars. Picture: AFP
Will Smith slaps Chris Rock onstage during the Oscars. Picture: AFP

So what’s Boney suggesting? Rock’s joke would have been better had the audience been all-black, laughing like Smith?

Gosh, that sounds racist. Yet Boney wasn’t alone in sniffing white racism. Tayo Bero, a Guardian US columnist, claimed Smith was “being held up to much stricter standards than white men”.

Really? Has there even been a white actor who whacked a comedian on stage at the Oscars?

In fact, if some white actor belted the black talent, I bet he wouldn’t get what Smith got from the Oscars’ crowd – a standing ovation minutes later, when named best actor. Try a race riot instead.

Brooke Boney had a lot to say in the wake of the controversy.
Brooke Boney had a lot to say in the wake of the controversy.

Yet Bero raged about the racism she’d detected: “To Black people who have been conditioned to constantly perform the most non-threatening version of themselves in order to retain white approval, the image of a Black man being ‘violent’ in a space notorious for its overwhelming whiteness must have felt like an abomination.”

What? Bero seems to think black men have more right to be violent.

So does Maia Niguel Hoskin, a self-described race scholar, who said the reaction of Smith’s critics was “rooted in White supremacist culture designed to police the behaviour of Blacks”.

Again, it seems Hoskin believes violence is fine – or natural – if blacks do the slapping, and no white may object.

But how racist is that?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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