
Andrew Bolt: New Zealand’s ‘All Whites’ change an example of new racism

Calling New Zealand’s rugby team the “All Blacks” is no problem, but it’s soccer team can’t be the “All Whites. It’s a clear-cut case of new racism.

The New Zealand All Whites are not all right. Picture: Getty Images
The New Zealand All Whites are not all right. Picture: Getty Images

Calling New Zealand’s rugby team the “All Blacks” is no problem. But calling its soccer team the “All Whites” has suddenly become embarrassing.

I can smell the new racism wafting all the way across the Tasman Sea.

New Zealand Football says it’s “on a journey around cultural inclusivity” and wants to respect the principles of the Waitangi Treaty of 1840, which apparently means “All White” is not all right at all. Yet All Black is.

Go figure.

Well, that actually isn’t hard.

You can’t get a clearer example of an ugly truth – that people now claiming to be anti-racists are in fact the exact opposite.

New Zealands All Blacks in action. Picture: Getty Images
New Zealands All Blacks in action. Picture: Getty Images

They don’t actually mind racism, as long as it’s aimed at whites.

That’s why shouting “Black Lives Matter” is good, but shouting even “All Lives Matter” is enemy action.

Same with social media profiles.

Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe can declare she is “a proud Gunditjmara woman”, but Pauline Hanson would be dragged in front of the race police if she declared herself a “a proud white woman”.

No, white is bad in the new race politics.

We’ve seen students in Victoria told to stand and be scolded as oppressors for being white, and Coca-Cola has had staff do a training course urging them “to be less white”.

Imagine the explosion if it had other courses telling workers to “be less black” or “be less Asian”.

It staggers me that so few people see the obvious racism in this new woke culture.

This blindness is particularly bizarre given that those pushing this poison are so determined to see racism where none actually exists.

Take Thorpe again. Asked why our soldiers were being sent to Aboriginal communities to help save them with vaccines, Thorpe snapped this was proof of “systemic racism”.

Dear God. And I’m sure not sending soldiers to help would be racist, too.

But it’s not just the new racists who scare me.

In physics there is a law – Newton’s third law – which says for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The same seems pretty true for human behaviour, too. The new racists who campaign against whiteness will inevitably provoke an ugly reaction from the old racists.

We see it already, with ASIO warning of more neo-Nazi extremism.

Each side of racists feed off each other and sicken us all.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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