

Andrew Bolt: Making Australia pay global warming ‘reparations’ is utter madness

Science and facts won’t stop Anthony Albanese from falling for fake climate scares, and spending our millions on reparations for something we never caused.

Global warming the ‘latest excuse’ by socialists who ‘hate’ capitalism

THE Albanese Government is so crazy with global warming guilt that it’s about to spend millions more of your money to say sorry for what we should be thanked.

The government has backed calls at the latest United Nations climate conference, in Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh, to discuss making rich countries pay poor ones for damage allegedly caused by their emissions.

Even more ominously, it won’t rule out paying up.

Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen on Tuesday ducked that question, archly saying there was as yet “no fund to agree to”, but added the government was a “constructively engager”.

I bet. Indeed, Bowen added that Labor had a “particular focus” on our Pacific neighbours, all panting for this cash.

No wonder they’re red hot on global warming.

It’s the biggest cargo cult they’ve ever seen. And the Albanese Government are the biggest suckers.

Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen ducked questions about Australia pay poor nations for damage allegedly caused by their emissions. Picture: Gary Ramage
Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen ducked questions about Australia pay poor nations for damage allegedly caused by their emissions. Picture: Gary Ramage

For years, such countries have backed a United Nations scam to extract $100 billion a year from richer countries as “reparations” for global warming.

Bowen says, no, no, no to reparations. The government will instead consider paying for “loss and damage”. Same rort, different label.

But what damage did we supposedly cause?

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, claims our sins were born in the age of steam engines, telling the conference her country was “having to pay the cost as a result of those greenhouse gases from the industrial revolution”.

We owe the world for that?

Actually, the West should be thanked for the industrial revolution and the technological one which followed, both fed by the fossil fuels now painted as enemies of civilisation.

Thanks to those revolutions, now spread to every corner of the world, people have never lived longer. Life has never been easier. Harvests of our main grain crops have never been bigger.

Yet the UN preaches only disaster and western guilt at Sharm el-Sheikh. (It wants only the capitalist West to pay “reparations”, even though the world’s biggest emitter by far is communist China.)

Socialist Antonio Guterres, the UN secretary-general, resorted to outright lies to whip up the 30,000 delegates at this party of catastrophists at Scam El Shakedown.

“We are in the fight of our lives, and we are losing,” he shouted.

“We are on a highway to climate hell … Humanity has a choice: co-operate or perish. It is either a climate solidarity pact or a collective suicide pact.”

Pure lies. Rabid, dangerous hysteria to make yet more children freak.

The UNFCCC COP 27 climate conferenceis taking place n Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
The UNFCCC COP 27 climate conferenceis taking place n Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

Noted climate scientist Judith Curry rightly dismissed Guterres’ rant as “apocalyptic nonsense”. In fact, our chances of dying in a climate-related disaster has fallen more than 95 per cent over a century.

But global warming is an excuse for moral bullies to lie and deceive, yet still feel moral.

The ABC’s AM program even twice this week broadcast reports from the conference claiming Pacific islands were in “very real, present danger … with the eradication of their land and literally islands being swallowed by rising sea waters”.

Tuvalu was threatened, it claimed, and the Marshall Islands’ development minister wondered where his people would go “if their islands are flooded”

Is the ABC really returning to its drowning-islands vomit? Has it forgotten it was only last year that the ABC finally admitted the truth – that both Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands were growing, not sinking?

As it conceded then: “In the four decades to 2014, Tuvalu’s total land area grew by 73 hectares, or 2.9 per cent, based on research from the University of Auckland.” Atolls in the Marshall Islands “have grown up to eight per cent in size over the past six decades”.

Around the Pacific it’s the same story. Auckland University researchers found 43 per cent of the islands they’d studied had grown, and another 43 cent were stable.

That will amaze Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who has flogged this drowning-islands furphy since 2006, when as Labor’s environment spokesman he launched a dodgy climate change policy paper called Our Drowning Neighbours, saying toodaloo to Tuvalu.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Sadly, the science won’t stop Albanese from falling for fake climate scares, and spending our millions on reparations for something we never caused.

So let me appeal instead to his sense of self-preservation.

Check the reverses US President Joe Biden’s Democrats just got in the midterm elections.

What’s one of the big issues that cost them? Restricting gas and oil exploration, sending fuel prices higher. Biden vowing last weekend to have every coal-fired power station close.

Sound familiar? So will Albanese finally end this madness?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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