

Andrew Bolt: Liz Cambage exposed as another race-hustling hypocrite

The news of Liz Cambage’s tirade comes as zero surprise because we know the anti-racism movement has become a con.

Shocking details of Liz Cambage’s pre-Olympic outburst finally revealed

Here’s something I‘ve heard no one say about Australian basketball star Liz Cambage now she’s been exposed as another race-hustling hypocrite.

“Boy, I’m so surprised Cambage called Nigerian players monkeys and said ‘go back to your Third World country’.”

Nor does anyone sound surprised that Basketball Australia refused to say what Cambage called the Nigerians or that she elbowed one in the head in a warm-up before last year’s Tokyo Olympics.

In fact, we expect a player of colour will be protected in a way a white player would not be if they used such language.

No, the news of Cambage’s tirade – broken on Sunday by Herald Sun reporter Matt Logue – comes as zero surprise because we know the anti-racism movement has become a con.

How often do people now use “anti-racism” not to fight for a principle, but for a grubby racial advantage?

Back in the days before Bruce Pascoe decided to call himself Aboriginal, being anti-racist and colourblind was a noble thing.

Liz Cambage’s elbowing of a Nigerian player was caught on camera.
Liz Cambage’s elbowing of a Nigerian player was caught on camera.
A deep gash on Victoria Macaulay’s neck after the fracas.
A deep gash on Victoria Macaulay’s neck after the fracas.

As Martin Luther King Jr said, it was a fight for a world in which people would “not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character”.

But now race hustlers insist we do judge by colour, not to end racism but to exploit it.

Cambage is merely one example.

She has a Nigerian father and a white Australian mother who’s been a successful executive who sent her daughter to private schools on the Mornington Peninsula.

Yet Cambage now acts as if she’d been dragged backwards through a Harlem ghetto, using anti-racism as a weapon and a look-at-me strategy.

She notoriously threatened to boycott the Tokyo Games because one team photo distributed by the Australian Olympic Committee had supposedly too many white athletes.

“How am I meant to represent a country that doesn’t even represent me?’ stormed Cambage, who’d actually been raised by her white mother.

When Tom Maher, Australia’s most successful women’s basketball coach, called Cambage’s threatened boycott inappropriate, she attacked his race: “I do not care for a white man’s opinion on racial issues”.

Liz Cambage is protected in a way a white player would not be if they used such language. Picture: Getty Images
Liz Cambage is protected in a way a white player would not be if they used such language. Picture: Getty Images

And when it was pointed out that another team photograph featured Maurice Longbottom, who identifies as Indigenous, Cambage again played the colour game: “Also – fake tan doesn’t equal diversity”.

To top it off, she played at being some Harlem blak-talker: “Until I see y’all doin more @AusOlympicTeam Imma sit this one out”.

But Cambage is just a type, not an exception, in a world in which a Richmond fan leaving the MCG after a game with a “welcome to country” ceremony a week ago then had his skull fractured by an attacker allegedly brandishing a didgeridoo.

Take Professor Bruce Pascoe, author of the deceitful bestseller Dark Emu and an ABC favourite, who claims he’s a member of three Aboriginal tribes.

Pascoe said three years ago he “fully identified as Koori” only when he was about 40 – which suggests around 1987. Or was it 1988?

I ask, because a Canberra Times review in 1988 of Pascoe’s novel Fox, about a fugitive searching for his Aboriginality, said it would have been a better book had Pascoe not been white: “Pascoe is, after all, imagining the psyche of an Aboriginal person”.

Dark Emu author Bruce Pascoe. Picture: Luke Bowden
Dark Emu author Bruce Pascoe. Picture: Luke Bowden

But since calling himself black, Pascoe has never looked back, even though genealogical records confirm he is 100 per cent of English descent, and two Aboriginal organisations representing his supposed tribes call him a fake.

But this new “anti-racist racism” is actually more serious than some grifters using it to get ahead.

Far worse, the new Albanese Labor government insists on changing our constitution not to end racism, but legalise it.

It wants to create a kind of Aboriginal-only advisory parliament to give Aborigines a “voice” and build a new apartheid in this country.

The irony is that Australia is so free of real racism that Aborigines now have a louder voice in our real parliament than other Australians, if we insist on treating politicians by their “race”.

There are 10 politicians in the new federal Parliament who identify as Aboriginal (11 if you believe Bob Katter’s claim to be a “blackfella”). That’s 4.4 per cent of our 227 federal politicians, when just 3.7 per cent of Australians identity as Aboriginal.

So Aborigines already have a voice in our real parliament, which means Labor’s planned Aboriginal-only “voice” is a Cambage-like con.

It’s the racism of the anti-racists – not fighting racism, but having their pet race fight another for power. No principle at all.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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