
Andrew Bolt: Left’s poison now being funded by taxpayers

Australian taxpayers are funding a week that’s meant to be about books and writing, but what they’re really getting is a hate-fest of the Left.

Adelaide writer’s week a ‘carnival’ of left-wing hatred: Bolt

We have two things going on that together are tearing us apart. One is the Left’s suicidal hatred of our civilisation; the other the Left’s hijacking of taxpayer money to spread that poison.

Latest example: Adelaide’s taxpayer-funded Writers’ Week.

Taxpayers are funding what is meant to be a week of talk about books and authors, starting Saturday week, but what they’re getting is actually a hate-fest of the Left, denouncing Australia, Israel and the US.

Fine, if that’s what people want to discuss. But why must taxpayers, many conservatives, subsidise it?

So far, the only media criticism has been of some of many Palestinians invited to speak (Israeli Jews are excluded).

One is Susan Abulhawa, who’s smeared Israel as “worse than Nazis”, and called Israelis “human garbage”. She’s also called Ukraine’s president, who is Jewish, “a depraved Zionist”.

Another is Mohammed El-Kurd, who claims Israelis have an “unquenchable thirst for Palestinian blood” and told pro-Israel protesters, “if you heckle me, you will get shot”.

Susan Abulhawa has called Israelis ‘human garbage’. Picture: Getty Images
Susan Abulhawa has called Israelis ‘human garbage’. Picture: Getty Images

But the whole week is a carnival of Left-wing hatred, using South Australian taxpayers’ money. At least given one session has a Murdoch hater, the Greens’ Sarah Hanson-Young, for her take on “media moguls”, which I predict includes Rupert Murdoch.

In fact, this “Writers” Week is filled with Left-wing politicians, speaking and hosting – former Labor premiers Bob Carr and Steve Bracks, Labor president Wayne Swan, former Labor minister Gareth Evans, former Labor speechwriter Don Watson, former Labor advisor Anne Summers, biographers of Labor politicians, and even former Greens leader Bob Brown. Only one former Liberal MP has been invited – Amanda Vanstone – and she’s from the Liberals’ Left and asked to just talk about cooking.

No surprise, given the festival’s agenda.

For instance, one speaker is an Australian Muslim who’s said she won’t condemn the violence of the Muslim extremist who tried to stab two police and murdered a restaurateur in Bourke St, but she has condemned our “patriarchal, racist, capitalist social order”.

One session is on our “shameful national past”; another on “holding white Australia to account”.

Naturally, there’s a discussion on the supposed global warming threat; Simon Holmes à Court will explain why the Teal independents he funded are our saviours.

And not one identifiable conservative among them. Why is this hatred of our alienated elite funded by taxpayers?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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