

Andrew Bolt: Joe Biden’s farcical climate summit a load of nonsense

How dare Biden invite not one climate scientist to speak at his climate summit, choosing instead hysterics wailing nonsense about a ‘dead planet’.

There is ‘nothing bad’ about increasing carbon dioxide: William Happer

JOE Biden proved two things with last week’s farcical climate summit: He is extremely stupid and his stupidity is a threat to the Western world.

How dare the US President insult the intelligence of 39 other world leaders — including Prime Minister Scott Morrison — by making them listen to the uninformed ravings of mystics, New Age tribal women and even a teenager.

How dare Biden invite not one climate scientist to speak, choosing instead hysterics wailing nonsense about a “dead planet”, “environmental racism”, “indigenous wisdom” and drowning Pacific islands that — news flash — are growing?

No wonder China’s dictator Xi Jinping agreed to drop by for a ringside seat at this circus. He could reassure his goons back in Beijing he’s seen the future, and the West is dead. Killed by woke idiocy.

Here’s one bit of science not mentioned by anyone at this summit called by Biden to force countries like ours “to announce new steps to strengthen climate ambition”.

The world last month was actually 0.01 degrees COOLER than the average of the last decade of the 20th century, according to satellite data monitored by the University of Alabama in Huntsville. There is no climate crisis.

US President Joe Biden delivers remarks and participates in the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate.
US President Joe Biden delivers remarks and participates in the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate.

But here are just some of the poseurs Biden invited to hector world leaders into agreeing we’ll be toast if they don’t slash emissions, no matter the cost in money and jobs.

There was Xiye Bastida, aged just 19 but a climate extremist and member of Mexico’s “indigenous Otomi-Toltec nation” on her fathers’ side. And who, in modern race politics, is not made holy and wise by being “indigenous”?

Bastida babbled all the buzz words she no doubt hears at Pennsylvania University, where she’s a first-year student: “We demand comprehensive, non euro-centric and intersectional climate education including literacy on climate justice, environmental racism, ancestral and indigenous wisdom, disability justice, green careers and sustainable living.”

“Ancestral and indigenous wisdom” to fight global warming? What would her indigenous Mexican wisdom suggest to lower the temperature? More human sacrifices to the Aztec Feathered Serpent?

Bastida was not alone in this parade of fools. Take Archana Soreng, a 25-year-old former student activist who identifies as a member of India’s Kharia tribe.

She, too, told the leaders global warming should be stopped by “intergenerational and intersectional equity” as well as “nature based solutions” which supported “the traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous youth and … their forest-based livelihood”.

Back to the trees! Solved!

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad, insisted “Indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge is the key to helping … all of humanity, adapt and mitigate climate change”, without identifying one practical example.

Fawn Sharp, president of the National Congress of American Indians, likewise claimed “tribal nations and communities … share centuries of timeless and ancient wisdom and knowledge on how to best confront the impacts of climate change”.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison addressed the summit. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Christian Gilles
Prime Minister Scott Morrison addressed the summit. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Christian Gilles

Indians were fighting climate change even before America was industrialised? So what caused climate change back then? Burning buffalo dung?

How could Biden make world leaders sit through such nonsense, often preached by tribalists — mostly women — who’d obviously learned a lot of their New Age gabble not from some wizened elder but some wild-eyed neo-Marxist?

Australia’s Sharan Burrow, head of the International Trade Union Confederation, even turned up to moan: “There are no jobs on a dead planet.” She should instead ask how many jobs there are on a planet run by lunatics.

With no scientists to fact-check the nonsense, Biden’s speakers were free to invent absurd untruths.

David Kabua, president of the Marshall Islands, claimed: “We are low-lying atoll nations, barely a metre above sea level … We feel the effects of climate change now.”

In fact, the most comprehensive study of sea levels at the Marshall Islands found they’d actually grown from 909ha in World War II to 946ha in 2010.

That’s not unusual. Research last year from Auckland University found atolls in the Marshall Islands, Kiribati and the Maldives grew up to 8 per cent over the past six decades. They’re not sinking but growing.

So where is this “crisis”? We’re getting fewer cyclones, not more. Bigger grain crops, not smaller. More rainfall in Australia, not less.

Is this why Biden did not invite one climate scientist, preferring even the Pope instead? Was he scared they’d expose his “climate catastrophe” as a hoax – a new religious frenzy, and not science?

One last puzzle: Scott Morrison sat through this nonsense. Why did he not call it out?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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