

Andrew Bolt: Hate speech a reminder politicians must get serious on immigration

If an Australian imam says Islam is a threat to “Western ideology”, maybe our politicians should consider that in deciding our immigration intake.

Convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika was recently released from prison. Picture: David Crosling
Convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika was recently released from prison. Picture: David Crosling

Three days before Christmas, Imam Ahmad Zoud preached at Sydney’s Masjid As-Sunnah mosque on what Jews were really like.

Posted on the mosque’s Facebook page, his sermon is one more reason to believe allowing the mass immigration of Muslims – without properly considering how Islam would fit in – has been a mistake.

“The most important characteristic of the Jews is that they are bloodthirsty,” Zoud insisted.

“They love to shed blood. From an early age, they raise their children on terrorism, violence, and killing.”

True, Zoud said not all Jews were like this, “just most of them.”

But by “most” Zoud seemed to really mean “all”, as he vilified the Jewish “cowards” now fighting in Gaza against the Hamas terrorists he described as holy warriors, or “mujahideen”.

“Who are these monsters from whose hearts mercy has been ripped out?” Zoud cried.

“These are the Jews … Betrayal and treachery are among the characteristics of the Jews.”

Zoud is not the only Sydney imam to spread a medieval anti-Jew tribalism that has so many Jews here fearing for their safety.

When Prime Minister Anthony Albanese praises Test cricketer Usman Khawaja for crusading for Gaza, a certain kind of imam takes heart.
When Prime Minister Anthony Albanese praises Test cricketer Usman Khawaja for crusading for Gaza, a certain kind of imam takes heart.

When Hamas started this war with Israel by slaughtering 1200 Jews, Imam Ibrahim Dadoun, for instance, was filmed shouting in a street in Lakemba: “It’s a day of victory.”

In Sydney’s Al Madina Dawah Centre, Abu Ousayd quoted the sacred Hadith to vilify Jews as the “descendants of pigs and monkeys”, and foretold the day “when the stones and trees” would say “there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him”.

At the As-Sunnah mosque, Zoud is one of several imams to paint this conflict as a holy war between Muslims and evil Jews and their Western allies. You wonder how people so opposed to the West now live in it.

Sheik Kamal Taleb last month also attacked Jews: “We are dealing with an evil and wicked people. People who are against humanity … They always vie and strive to cause mischief on Earth.”

Don’t our hate-speech laws apply to Muslim clerics?

Taleb berated the West, too: “Some countries, Western countries, are arming … this criminal Israeli apartheid Nazi regime.”

But good news for the faithful: “Even famous people singers and actors, sports people, are calling (Israel’s war) for what it is – a genocide, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, war crimes. … Islam’s holy Shrine, this is who you are defending.”

Three days before Christmas, Imam Ahmad Zoud preached at Sydney’s Masjid As-Sunnah mosque on what Jews were really like.
Three days before Christmas, Imam Ahmad Zoud preached at Sydney’s Masjid As-Sunnah mosque on what Jews were really like.

When Prime Minister Anthony Albanese praises Test cricketer Usman Khawaja for crusading for Gaza, this kind of imam takes heart.

Last Friday it was the turn of Lebanese-born Sheik Bilal Dannoun, who preached that Islam threatened the ideology of the West – and he meant it as a compliment.

“Look at what is happening at the moment in Palestine,” he urged.

“Look at what happened in Afghanistan, look at what happened in Syria, look at what happened in Iraq, in Syria, in Burma, in Kashmir. It has always been the believer, why is it the believers?”

Forgetting that some of these wars were started by Muslims or included Muslims slaughtering Muslims, Dannoun claimed Muslims were being picked on: “Why is it that we don’t see something similar with other religions …?

“Because the other faiths are not a threat. They are not a threat to Western ideology. But Islam is a threat.”

If an Australian imam says Islam is a threat to “Western ideology”, maybe our politicians should consider that in deciding our immigration intake.

After all, Abdul Nacer Benbrika was released only last month after spending 18 years in jail for conspiring to attack the Melbourne Cricket Ground, the nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights and other targets.

Why had Labor politicians let Abdul Nacer Benbriak live among us? Picture: David Crosling
Why had Labor politicians let Abdul Nacer Benbriak live among us? Picture: David Crosling

But why had Labor politicians let this Algerian live among us? He’d refused to go home when his visitor’s visa expired and also when he was declared a prohibited non-citizen. Yet the Keating Labor government granted him citizenship in 1995, allowing him to claim benefits for years and become the spiritual leader of 16 other would-be terrorists.

He’s now reformed, he insisted this week. Son Ibrahim said they were “like any other family”.

That’s only true if your family includes a convicted terrorist; a son (Ibrahim) convicted of theft, transporting unauthorised fireworks and other crimes; another son (Bakr) found to belong to a small WhatsApp group with three convicted terrorists; and a third son (Oussama) who swapped dozens of messages with the gangster brother of an Australian who died fighting for the Islamic State.

If that’s now an Australian family “like any other”, our immigration program is more dangerous than even I suspected.

Time our politicians got serious.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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