

Andrew Bolt: Global warming scam makes us dangerously weak

A pathetic game of climate porn begins every time we get a natural disaster, but we must fact-check the green preachers who want us to smash our industries to “save the planet”.

‘Global warming religion’ is going ‘out the window’

Here come the vultures again. Green journalists are exploiting these floods to push the global warming scam that makes us so weak – and Russia and China strong.

The ABC, predictably, was worst, warning: “As flood emergencies continue across parts of NSW and Queensland, the latest United Nations climate report is warning that they’re likely to become more frequent and severe.”

This pathetic game of climate porn happens every time we get some natural disaster, wet or dry, fires or floods.

When we had a bad drought 14 years ago, headlines screamed “this drought might never break”, because this was our “new climate”.

When we had bad fires two years ago, the ABC declared global warming was causing more “megafires” and we had “more black summers ahead”.

But when our summer isn’t black but green and soggy, well, blame that on global warming, too.

We can’t afford this con any more. Not now the war in Ukraine has exposed the lethal danger of falling for green myths.

We can’t afford the climate con anymore. Picture: Jeremy Piper
We can’t afford the climate con anymore. Picture: Jeremy Piper

Russian president Vladimir Putin would never have dared invade Ukraine if the green movement hadn’t first made Europe look helpless.

It got Germany to close its nuclear power stations and many coal-fired stations. It got Britain to close coal-fired stations and ban fracking, in a campaign the then NATO chief warned was backed by Russia. It got Europe to slash emissions, forcing many companies to move to China instead.

By the end, Russia was supplying Europe about 40 per cent of its gas, filling Putin’s massive war chest and making him think the Europeans wouldn’t dare stop him – not if they wanted their homes kept warm and the lights on.

So we need – urgently – to fact-check the green preachers who even now want us to smash our industries to “save the planet”.

Instead, the gullible ABC this week broke into its floods coverage to promote this dodgy report by the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change that once more beat up the scare and even suggested we now “degrow” our economies.

How Putin must laugh. How Chinese dictator Xi Jinping must gloat.

The ABC quoted two of the report’s Australian authors saying global warming had “played a role” in this rain and these floods, and worse would come.

How Vladimir Putin must laugh. How Chinese dictator Xi Jinping must gloat. Picture: AFP
How Vladimir Putin must laugh. How Chinese dictator Xi Jinping must gloat. Picture: AFP

But hang on! Just a year ago this same IPCC suggested the opposite. It said “evidence has not shown an increase or a decrease in heavy precipitation over Australasia as a whole”. In fact, “heavy precipitation” tended to “decrease over the eastern and southern regions” – including exactly where we’ve now got these floods.

So when it’s dry, we’re told we’ll get more droughts. When it’s wet, more floods. Something smells. And what smells most is how this latest report came up with its scary predictions.

Professor Roger Pielke Jr, a world expert on cyclone damage, found this IPCC report based many of its predictions on the most extreme assumptions – a scenario it calls RCP8.5 that wrongly assumes the world’s population almost doubles this century, technological gains slow to a crawl, and no one does a thing to cut emissions.

The con is that simple. Pielke notes no previous IPCC report relied on this preposterous RCP8.5 scenario so much, instead of the far more likely ones: “RCP8.5 represents ~57 per cent of scenario mentions. This alone accounts for the apocalyptic tone and conclusions throughout the report.”

Yes, you are again being conned by global warming preachers and their media mates.

But the ABC is so desperate to make global warming seem catastrophic its report also ignored one terrific (and real) bit of climate news that day – the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences had confirmed we’d had the biggest winter crop in our history.

Global warming has actually been brilliant for our farmers.
Global warming has actually been brilliant for our farmers.

Global warming has actually been brilliant for our farmers, but that doesn’t fit the ABC’s story.

You know what’s going on? It’s not just that global warmists are trying to keep their huge gravy train going to the next payday. Look closer at this IPCC report. It mentions 27 times a new term – “degrowth”. As in: stopping growth in the West.

This “climate” report explains: “Ecological economists and political scientists have proposed degrowth and managing without growth as a solution for achieving environmental sustainability and socio-economic progress.”

This could include “a universal basic income, work sharing to guarantee full employment, shifting taxation burdens from income to resource and energy”.

How did this neo-communist agenda get smuggled into this IPCC global warming report? And why didn’t the rah-rah ABC notice?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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