

Andrew Bolt: Flannery’s climate hysteria pushes truth to extinction

No one has done more to destroy faith in the global warming scare than Tim Flannery, yet despite being so wrong so often, some media outlets treat him as an oracle.

There will be 'a lot of scaremongering’ in lead up to Glasgow climate conference: Bolt

Be warned. You’re now going to hear plenty of global warming porn and probably see more of Tim Flannery than is healthy.

Just last Tuesday, for instance, the Sydney Morning Herald ran this hysterical headline: “Climate change spurs threat of war, mass migration in region.”

There will be lots more such junk right up to November because that’s when the United Nations will hold its latest global warming meeting, this time in Glasgow.

The media will amp up the warming scare to make you finally give in and say, yes, something must be done in Glasgow to save us from this apocalypse.

Please, Prime Minister, give us net zero emissions, whatever the cost.

Former chief climate commissioner Tim Flannery. Picture: AAP
Former chief climate commissioner Tim Flannery. Picture: AAP

Indeed, the Sydney Morning Herald is so shameless that it last week even interviewed Tim Flannery, our former chief climate commissioner.

I say “shameless”, because I know no one who’s been so wrong so often about the climate as Flannery.

This time Flannery told of allegedly abusing James Murdoch, youngest son of Rupert, for having newspapers like this one that still employ a couple of people like me who point out fakery in what’s misleadingly called “The Science”.

“What you’ve done is destroyed people’s faith in science,” Flannery claims to have said.

I had to laugh at his cheek. To me, no one has done more to destroy faith in the global warming scare than Flannery himself.

Just think of the most infamous of his many dud predictions, from 14 years ago: “Even the rain that falls will not actually fill our dams and our river systems”.

In fact, Sydney’s dams today are 95 per cent full. Melbourne’s dam levels haven’t been higher in 24 years.

But so many other Flannery predictions of disaster also went bust, making his “science” sound more like voodoo.

In 2004, he claimed there was “a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis”.

In 2005, he told the SMH he was “personally more worried about Sydney than Perth”, because Sydney had “only two years’ water supply” and “if computer models are right then drought conditions will become permanent”.

But computer models have not been right. They’ve consistently predicted more warmings and more disasters than we’ve seen.

Flannery used to say we’d get more cyclones. We haven’t.

He used to say the Arctic could melt away by 2009. It didn’t.

He used to say Pacific Islands like the Maldives, Kiribati and Tuvalu would drown. Instead, they’ve grown.

Yet media outlets like the SMH and ABC still treat Flannery as an oracle, which suggests they don’t care at all about the truth. For them, and many corporations, global warming is a religion or branding opportunity, so any mad claim can be used to belt the public into belief.

Here’s one last example. Two years ago, Flannery claimed “global hunger has increased for the past three years because of extreme weather events”.

In 2002, the ABC’s Fran Kelly hyped an alarmist report claiming ‘water scarcity would cause massive agricultural losses’ by 2025.
In 2002, the ABC’s Fran Kelly hyped an alarmist report claiming ‘water scarcity would cause massive agricultural losses’ by 2025.

In fact, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation has just reported another world record for harvests of cereal crops like wheat and rice.

Global warming seems brilliant for growing more food, yet how often have you been told that climate models prove global warming will cause hunger instead?

In 2002, the ABC’s Fran Kelly hyped another alarmist report claiming “water scarcity would cause massive agricultural losses” by 2025.

In 2008, the SMH (again! so gullible!) said farmers faced what scientists called a “new climate” – a “permanent drought”.

Even this year, The Conversation claimed “climate change meant Australia might have to abandon much of its farming”, and just this Wednesday the ABC reported “the price of climate inaction is paid by farmers”.

What a lie. That’s what you get when salvation-seeking reporters trust warmist preachers and dodgy climate models rather than just stick their head out the door to see what’s really happening.

Comically, the ABC accidentally exposed its con earlier this week by reporting the truth: “Australia’s farmers on track for record-breaking season easily surpassing $7bn worth of produce”.

Yes, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences says farmers are on track to break the record – again – for growing crops and raising animals.

If this is global warming, it’s good for us. But until the Glasgow summit – “humanity’s last chance to avoid an environmental apocalypse”, wails Flannery – you’ll hear a million stories about how it’s all death and disaster.

How often will you let the fearmongers mislead you before you realise that much of what the media tells you about global warming might not be true?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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