

Andrew Bolt: Dear China, you have gone quite mad

China minus the Communist Party is glorious but President Xi Jinping pollutes everything he touches. The blustering, bullying dictator must go.

Dictator Xi’s ‘New World Order’ has reached Australia

Dear Dictator Xi Jinping, president of China, head of the Chinese military, so-called “Chairman of Everything” etc, etc.

Are you mad?

I know you won’t care about a letter from me, even if hundreds of thousands of people read it in papers around this country.

I doubt your new ambassador would even dare send this home in his file of daily media cuttings.

You aren’t a man who rewards people for telling him home truths – that you’ve turned China into an enemy of the world.

In fact, you’ve even locked up Australian journalist Cheng Lei simply for criticising some of your more incompetent officials.

But I’m safe enough, over here, to ask: Are you mad?

You see, about 30 years ago another Chinese president – the admittedly corrupt Jiang Zemin – had good advice for his Politburo henchmen.

Don’t scare the world: “We cannot cultivate enemies everywhere.”

But look, dear Dictator Xi: That’s exactly what you’ve now done with your blustering and bullying.

China is hated or feared almost everywhere.

President Xi Jinping has turned China into an enemy of the world.
President Xi Jinping has turned China into an enemy of the world.

 It’s not just that we’re horrified by what you are doing to your own people, like jailing democrats, Christians and human rights activists, banning free speech and putting one million Muslim Uighurs into concentration camps.

We now see you’re also a threat to us. Last week, one of your spy ships, sailing past our northern coast, even blitzed one of our RAAF jets with a laser.

It’s not just in Australia that people have realised that for all your talk about “peace” and “common destiny”, you’re just like one of those villains in a James Bond movie bent on “world domination – the same old dream”.

Look at the fear among your neighbours. Japan has had your warships circling Japanese islands that you say are yours; the Philippines and Vietnam had you steal the South China Sea. Taiwan has your air force buzzing its airspace nearly every day.

India had your army kill its soldiers on the border in 2020. Nepal and Bhutan have you stealing their territory.

Around the world, your agents have launched cyber attacks, stolen technology and issued pantomime-villain warnings.

In Australia, Chinese Australians have been warned by your goons to shut up or have relatives back in China suffer. But the result?

Xi Jinping’s only powerful friend is Russia, because President Vladimir Putin is a psycho killer with no friends in the civilised world. Picture: AFP
Xi Jinping’s only powerful friend is Russia, because President Vladimir Putin is a psycho killer with no friends in the civilised world. Picture: AFP

The West and its allies are now uniting against China like never before. Australia has formed an alliance of democracies – with the US, Japan and India – to push back.

We’re also talking to Vietnam. The US and Britain agreed to urgently step up defence co-operation with us – against you – and help build our new nuclear submarines.

The European Union, normally weak, is defending Lithuania from the trade bans you put on to make it submit. Canada is standing against you. Fickle France now is, too, organising a Pacific security forum this week that pointedly excludes you.

Your only powerful friend is Russia, because President Vladimir Putin is a psycho killer with no friends in the civilised world, and needing an ally if he invades Ukraine.

But your alliance with evil simply proves China is a menace, liked only by fellow dictators, thieves, killers and pariahs, including the Taliban.

Dear Dictator, you’ve made a mistake. I read the anti-democracy manifesto you and Putin signed this month, crowing how the US was losing its crown to you guys.

Weak as we’ve seemed, we will now fight back against China. Picture: AFP
Weak as we’ve seemed, we will now fight back against China. Picture: AFP

You miss the big reason why the US has been world leader for so long. A lot of people like its culture and values. They like its movies, music, books and freedom. Even you, Dear Dictator, like it enough to have your daughter study there.

But who likes the kind of China you’re pushing? Who wants to live under a dictatorship, too scared to speak their mind?

That’s why your touch pollutes everything good about China. China minus the Communist Party is glorious.

It’s the oldest continuous advanced civilisation, graced with the ethics of Confucius, the poetry of the Tang dynasty, the subtlety of Chinese art, and the writings of Lu Xun in China’s last literary flourish before communism.

But you have crapped all over the true image of China, which explains why so many people wouldn’t even watch the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Worse, you’ve claimed that to criticise your dirty work is to criticise all Chinese people.

Your lie makes millions of overseas Chinese wrongly seem like your fifth column, and puts them in danger. Dear Dictator, please go.

You’re turning China into the most feared country on earth but, weak as we’ve seemed, we will now fight back.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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