
Andrew Bolt: Courts, police won’t protect us from new breed of bullies

Why are so few people — including our police and courts — pushing back against megalomaniacs who use threats and force to win arguments they can’t win with reason.

Climate protesters film themselves on truck on top of West Gate Bridge

The bullies are winning. Why are so few people – including our police and courts – pushing back against this ugly new culture of intimidation?

What made us such sheep?

On Tuesday morning, for instance, three global warming extremists blocked peak-hour traffic on Melbourne’s West Gate Bridge, causing massive delays to thousands of people.

One of these bullies also blocked Sydney’s Harbour Bridge in 2022, and must have thought the stunt was worth repeating after her 15-month sentence was quashed.

True, people who think we’re in a climate catastrophe probably have some mental disorder, but that’s no excuse for causing so much aggravation and loss to so many people who refuse to share their delusions.

Another example: on Monday a court finally dealt with one of the thousands of protesters in Australia and New Zealand who tried to shout down, intimidate and physically attack women right’s activist Kellie-Jay Keen during her tour to demand safe spaces for women-born-women.

Extinction Rebellion protesters block traffic on the West Gate Bridge. Picture: Jason Edwards
Extinction Rebellion protesters block traffic on the West Gate Bridge. Picture: Jason Edwards

When I say “dealt with” I actually mean this Auckland court did nothing. It recorded no conviction against a 20-year-old male trans activist who punched a 71-year-old woman – a Keen supporter – three times in the face.

The judge ruled that convicting the thug was “out of proportion” to the crime, and even put a lifetime suppression order on the granny-puncher’s name.

Yet another example.

Victoria Police last month acted like the armed force of pro-Palestinian protesters by arresting a 59-year-old Jewish man who walked quietly through the mob to get to a council meeting until one protester pushed him over.

The Jewish victim, not the attacker, was dragged away by police and banned from his city.

It’s not just police and courts who fail to protect us from megalomaniacs using threats and force to win arguments they can’t win with reason.

This past week we’ve seen businesses throw out Jews rather than stand against the anti-Israel racists sending them anonymous threats.

Palace Cinemas banned two Jewish comedians who’d booked its theatres, citing safety concerns.

A Jewish doctor had his speaking spot at a Gold Coast mental health conference scrapped – even his hotel room was cancelled – by organisers who claimed it was unsafe to let him stay.

How shameful. There is a famous dictum that evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew's columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm Monday to Thursday.

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