

Andrew Bolt: By giving our money to China we put ourselves in danger

It is nuts that we are sending thousands of dollars of business to a dictatorship that’s trying to destroy our economy and make us grovel.

China does not want 'dialogue', it wants 'surrender'

Here’s something I’ll do more often, now that China is smashing Australia. I checked my shirt: made in China.

I checked my iPhone, next to this laptop: assembled in China.

Isn’t it nuts that you and I are sending thousands of dollars of business to a dictatorship that’s trying to destroy our economy and make us grovel?

We put ourselves in danger by giving China so much of our money. It’s like handing a bully a stick to beat us.

We helped to make China rich and powerful, and now it’s turning that power against us.

It is furious that we banned it from building our 5G network, to prevent it spying on us. It is angry that we wanted an inquiry into how this coronavirus started. It is livid that we defend democracy in Hong Kong and protested against China’s arrest of a million Muslims.

Now China is making an example of Australia, so no other country will dare resist a dictatorship that’s off the leash.

China's President Xi Jinping.
China's President Xi Jinping.

It has banned or sabotaged imports of Australian wine, beef, barley, timber, lobster and coal. It has launched cyber attacks on Australia, and banned our Ministers from even ringing China’s to sort things out.

To blacken our name, it’s even broadcast a fake image of an Australian soldier cutting the throat of an Afghan child.

China under President-for-life Xi Jinping is more dangerous than ever. No serious analyst can deny there’s now a risk of war, probably over Taiwan, which China threatens to invade.

In fact, Xi in the past year twice warned his military to be “preparing for war”.

Given this, why are Australians buying so much Chinese stuff, sending the regime money that it can literally turn into bombs and missiles?

The Morrison government won’t want to urge a trade boycott of China, our biggest customer. We need China more than it needs us.

But it could help the rest of us impose our own, private boycott — one that could spread to other freedom-loving peoples.

It could pass laws to force all advertising to clearly state where each product is made, particularly with online shopping.

We can’t just watch China ban our stuff while we keep buying theirs. Not when we’re feeding a giant that’s declared us its enemy.

Don’t give our enemy your cash. Don’t shop with China.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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