

Andrew Bolt: Anti-white racism tearing through Australia

Anti-white racism is taking off across the globe and even more so in Australia — just look at all the people now pretending they’re not white.

'Identity politics is getting crazier' and 'it just crashed into itself'

You know anti-white racism is taking off, because check out all the people now pretending they’re not white.

We have white people like Dark Emu author Bruce Pascoe pretending to be Aboriginal, and even becoming a Professor in Indigenous Agriculture at Melbourne University.

We have another very white professor in NSW claiming to be of the “Winninninni” tribe thanks to her artist father, even though there’s no record of such a tribe, and the artist was actually her stepfather.

It’s not just here. In America, whites like Rachel Dolezal pretend to be African American, becoming black activists and – in the case of Jessica Krug – even professors.

US Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren pretended to be American Indian. Warren, too, got university positions, after claiming to be Cherokee.

Now the latest twists: British influencer Oli London, born white has undergone cosmetic surgery to become Korean, and American “Ja Du”, born a white male named Adam, now considers himself Filipino and drives a Tuk Tuk.

Rachel Dolezal was born to two parents who say they are white, but she chooses instead to self-identify as black.
Rachel Dolezal was born to two parents who say they are white, but she chooses instead to self-identify as black.

No longer are they hated white males. Not white now, or even male: London is “non-binary”, and Ja Du transsexual.

This flight from the white is not just in our universities and the sewers of social media.

Our latest census found we had 40,000 more Aborigines than could be explained by the birthrate. Australian National University researchers concluded these were people who’d said they weren’t black in the 2011 census but changed their minds in 2016.

I’d bet most have many European ancestors, but would now rather be called Aboriginal, no matter how few Aboriginal ancestors they may have – or not.

Can you blame them, when a Pennsylvania State sociology professor, Sam Richards, declared two weeks ago that “white people are dumb”?

When psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani gave a lecture at Yale University this month damning all whites as “psychopathic”?

When a Washington Post podcast had a trauma counsellor telling whites they needed a “period of deep shame for being white”?

When Coca-Cola had employees taught how to be “less white”, and the ABC starred playwright Nakkiah Lui screaming “f--- whitey”?

Then whites here, their ears ringing, are told Australia always was and always will be Aboriginal land, but whites in Britain are told, no, don’t go all Anglo. That’s racist. Be more multicultural.

It’s going to get harder and even a bit homeless being white. Get used to it.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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