

Andrew Bolt: Anthony Albanese’s push for Aboriginal Voice will ruin Australia’s future

We’re set to leave Western civilisation and become an apartheid nation, in a fight where blood matters more than brains.

A voice enshrined in the constitution ‘cannot be silenced’: Albanese

The Prime Minister’s speech demanding an Aboriginal-only parliament is a disgrace. Anthony Albanese isn’t just telling lies about our past, but doing it to ruin our future.

Predictably, much of the media is wildly applauding his Garma Festival speech on Saturday as “significant”, “powerful”, “historic” and “stirring”.

But let me show how Albanese lied about our history to describe a racist hell that he falsely claims he can now turn into heaven.

Creating a new Aboriginal-only advisory parliament, Albanese declared, would be a “moving show of faith in Australian decency and Australian fairness from people who have been given every reason to forsake their hope in both”.

What? It is an incendiary lie to claim Aborigines have had “every reason” not to hope for “decency” and “fairness” from the rest of us. Just look at our bloated welfare spending on Aborigines.

Albanese even claimed “First Nations people are denied their right to a happy and fulfilling life, denied the chance to play a full part in the life of our country”.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is demanding an Aboriginal-only parliament.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is demanding an Aboriginal-only parliament.

What a lunatic lie. Just ask Jacinta Price, just elected Senator, a Walpiri and Celtic woman who declared last week she was “a proud Australian” and “has never needed a paternalistic government to bestow my own empowerment upon me”.

Albanese seemed to be describing apartheid South Africa, not Australia, where we have Aboriginal millionaires, academics, doctors and artists, and now 11 federal MPs identifying as Aborigines.

But Albanese repeatedly painted Australia as a racist cesspit that directly caused Aboriginal suffering by refusing to consult.

He said Aborigines were more likely to die earlier or be jailed because of “121 years of Commonwealth governments arrogantly believing they know enough to impose their own solutions”, imposing “this torment of powerlessness”.

In contrast, creating a Voice – this racist new parliament – “is about consulting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the decisions that affect [them]. This is simple courtesy.”

Albanese’s claim that Aborigines haven’t been consulted is another lie.

The Aboriginal Advancement League was formed in 1957. We now have more than 30 Aboriginal Land Councils, including four representing and partially controlling around half the Northern Territory. We have a Council of Peaks, which represents 70 top Aboriginal organisations and claims “to be formal partners with Australian governments”.

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has declared she is a proud Australian. Picture: Chloe Erlich
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has declared she is a proud Australian. Picture: Chloe Erlich

Aborigines already have a voice. In fact, our last two Ministers for Indigenous Australians are both Aborigines.

And here’s the big fantasy in Albanese’s speech: that creating an Aboriginal parliament will fix Aboriginal disadvantage.

History tells us it won’t. We had an elected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission that was scrapped when it became mired in corruption and mismanagement and did sweet all to tackle shocking levels of domestic violence.

Nor is lack of “consultation” and “good manners” from whites why many Aborigines today do it tough.

Just look where Aboriginal violence, poverty and drunkenness are worst. It is in Aboriginal communities out bush, many under the partial control of land councils. In remote camps and towns, Aborigines earn around half what urban Aborigines do and are 50 per cent more likely to be on handouts.

It is also where Aboriginal control and culture, what survives of it, is strongest, which suggests the truth Albanese refuses to see: the tragedy of Aboriginal culture is that it cannot produce the wealth, safety and leisure of Western capitalism.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is hiding what a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice could do.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is hiding what a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice could do.

The good news is that assimilated Aborigines in urban areas are doing well, but Albanese rejects assimilation and delegitimises non-Aboriginal Australia, insisting: “Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.”

He now wants the Constitution changed so Aborigines get more political rights than other Australians, and here is the biggest lie in his speech, that this change is “a very simple one”.

Albanese said he wants Australians to soon vote on this deceitful question in a referendum: “Do you support an alteration to the Constitution that establishes an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice?”

What a cheat. How many Australians will know what this Voice really is? In fact, Albanese is hiding what it could do.

It may not be an elected body, he said on Sunday, when his Indigenous Australians Minister says it will.

It will just advise our real parliament, said Albanese, when its powers won’t actually be decided until after you vote.

By then it will be too late. Vote “yes”, and Australia will have left Western civilisation to become an apartheid nation – your race versus my race, in a fight for power, land and money where blood matters more than brains.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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