

Andrew Bolt: ABC reporters’ bias a danger to us all

The Bruce Pascoe hoax is more proof that the ABC is strangled by group-think, where only one opinion seems allowed.

The ABC is not there to 'fight the right'

THE ABC is not just wickedly biased. The Bruce Pascoe hoax is more proof that it’s also strangled by groupthink, where only one opinion seems allowed.

This groupthink is a danger to our democracy when it’s in our national broadcaster, the country’s biggest media outfit, but how often have we seen it already?

So many ABC journalists, led by crusading reporter Louise Milligan, demonised Cardinal George Pell as a paedophile, without a single one of the ABC’s 4600 staff publicly telling the truth – that he was as innocent as the High Court finally said, seven judges to zero,

We still see so many ABC journalists push the global warming scare, without a single one of the ABC’s 4600 staff publicly telling the truth – that this “climate emergency” is a wild exaggeration, with people living longer and fewer people than ever dying in natural disasters.

With Bruce Pascoe, it’s the same weird same-same.

The truth should have been obvious years ago. Bruce Pascoe is not Aboriginal, as he claims. Not according to genealogical records.

ABC journalist Louise Milligan.
ABC journalist Louise Milligan.

And his bestseller Dark Emu invents or misstates the evidence to claim what no explorer saw, no archaeological records confirm and no Aboriginal tradition or vocabulary suggests: that Aborigines were not “mere” hunter-gatherers, but “farmers” living in “houses” in “towns” of “1000 people”.

Yet ABC journalists again promote these obvious untruths, without a single one of the ABC’s 4600 staff publicly expressing a single doubt – or none that I’ve ever heard.

How could that happen? Do thought police roam ABC corridors with sjamboks, whipping ideological strays into line? Is debate banned?

Here’s a partial list of ABC presenters who promoted Pascoe and his book, or vilified his critics as racists or fools: Virginia Trioli, Benjamin Law, Fran Kelly, Annabel Crabb, Daniel Browning, Jonathan Green, Paul Barry, Wendy Harmer, Richard Fidler, Ellen Fanning, Julia Baird, Rafael Epstein, Linda Mottram, Patricia Karvelas and Hillary Harper.

Then add Annabel Astbury, head of ABC education, who had videos made to push Pascoe into schools; Michael Carrington, ABC director entertainment and specialist, who announced a new two-part TV series promoting Pascoe and his book; and Bhakthi Puvanenthiran, head of ABC Life, who said the series was based on “rock solid research and vital truth telling”.

How can so many ABC talents have been so wrong?

How can not one have been right? Not one!

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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