
Andrew Bolt: ABC makes a hero of unworthy Australian

Shame on the ABC for airing a fringe journalist’s documentary about his life and campaigns against Israel at a time when Jews have never been so scared.

'Disturbing' anti-Semitism not being covered 'meaningfully' by the ABC

The ABC on Sunday made a hero of a most unworthy Australian just when Jews have never been so scared.

Apologists claim all these protests now aren’t anti-Jewish. No, they’re just anti-Zionist – anti Jews who believe in Israel’s right to live.

To hide what’s in effect an anti-Jewish agenda, they say: look, there’s a Jew who also hates Israel.

A Jew like … Antony Loewenstein.

And on Sunday the ABC starred Loewenstein, a fringe journalist, in a half-hour documentary about his life and campaigns against Israel, especially after the war Hamas terrorists started on October 7 by slaughtering 1200 Israelis.

It’s summed up best by Loewenstein declaring of Israel’s response to Hamas: “I’m so ashamed because it’s being done in my name.”

Antony Loewenstein.
Antony Loewenstein.

That’s odd. I’ve been back to Israel during this war and interviewed politicians and soldiers, and not one said they did this for Loewenstein.

So why of all the Jews in this country did the ABC pick this guy, elected by nobody, as its hero?

Let me explain. Loewenstein’s shtick has been to get applause and gigs by always blaming Israel, and even cheering its destruction.

He’s said he’s “a 100 per cent supporter of a boycott against Israel”, and coedited a book – After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine – which echoes a key demand of Hamas: no separate state of Israel.

Loewenstein has written a number of books.
Loewenstein has written a number of books.

No, Jews must be part of one Palestinian state, outnumbered by Muslims, including millions of supporters of Hamas’s October 7 slaughter of Jews.

Loewenstein also wrote a book which an academic reviewer in the Left-wing Sydney Morning Herald panned for its moronic hatred: “Israel is described as a rapacious, intransigent and aggressive apartheid state pursuing colonial and murderous policies, while Israelis are stereotyped as intolerant, racist and callous.”

Loewenstein is so extreme that his reaction to al Qaeda’s September 11 attack on America, killing 3000 civilians, was to later criticise the West: “September 11 should have been the perfect opportunity for the Western media to hear the grievances of the Muslim world.”

To the ABC, it seems, a Jew against Israel is a truth-teller.

To me, I’ve seen this type before.

Max Naumann was also dead against Zionism. He led the Association of German National Jews and demanded Jews just assimilate, and even urged them to vote for Hitler – the ultimate Jew hater. Naumann blamed Zionists for causing the hate Hitler stoked.

So shame on the ABC.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew's columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm Monday to Thursday.

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