
Elizabeth Lee, Chris Steel: ACT Skills Minister accused of going into hiding

ACT Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee has accused Skills Minister Chris Steel of “going into hiding” amid controversy surrounding multimillion dollar TAFE contracts. Find out why.

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ACT Opposition leader Elizabeth lee has accused Skills Minister Chris Steel of “going into hiding” amid controversy surrounding multimillion dollar TAFE contracts.

Last month it was revealed Canberra Institute of Technology awarded four contracts over five years totalling $8.87m to Think Garden and Redrouge Nominees Pty Ltd, both owned by Patrick Hollingsworth.

Mr Hollingsworth describes himself as a “complexity and systems thinker” and there has been particular scrutiny from Canberra Liberal MLA’s about the exact nature of the services he provides due to the jargon-laden job descriptions.

The controversy has put pressure on Mr Steel, who survived a motion of no-confidence last month in the wake of revelations about the costly contracts.

The ACT Integrity Commission announced late last month that it would investigate the contracts.

Additionally CIT CEO Leanne Cover stepped down from her role until the commission finishes its investigation.

On Friday Ms Lee said questions taken on notice by Mr Steel in June remained unanswered and said the government had refused to be upfront with Canberrans about “what they knew, when they knew and why they failed to act”.

Elizabeth Lee holds up a heavily redacted document from CIT on June 7, 2022. Picture: Julia Kanapathippillai
Elizabeth Lee holds up a heavily redacted document from CIT on June 7, 2022. Picture: Julia Kanapathippillai

“It is absolutely imperative for the minister to be upfront with the public about the murkiness that has clouded these contracts,” Ms Lee said.

“It is deplorable and a complete slap in the face to all Canberrans for the minister to go into hiding.

“Canberrans deserve to know about the nature of the discussions he had with the CIT board about the contracts and what came out of those discussions.

“We know the Chief Minister in 2019 said he was confident these contracts represented value for money and even last year the Minister Skills questioned the CIT Board about these contracts.”

Ms Lee accused Mr Steel of hiding behind the integrity commission investigation to avoid answering questions “even on topics that do not relate to the procurements and contracts themselves”.

“It shows utter contempt for the community and confirms once again the culture of secrecy that is being fostered by this Labor-Greens government,” Ms Lee said.

“This Labor-Greens government has no interest in transparency, accountability or integrity and it is clear having been in power for over 20 years that the culture of secrecy continues to poison this Labor-Greens government and it must stop.”

However Mr Steel told The Canberra Star the opposition leader was essentially asking him to make comments that could interfere with the integrity commission’s investigation.

“Ms Lee is asking me to provide information that is possibly relevant to an investigation being conducted by the integrity commission,” he said.

“The Canberra Liberals should understand the duty on me, and themselves, to not hinder or interfere in the conduct of that investigation.

“The ACT Integrity Commission should be allowed to conduct its investigation free from interference.”

Originally published as Elizabeth Lee, Chris Steel: ACT Skills Minister accused of going into hiding

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