
Surf Coast Shire decides whether to support move to protect Spring Creek from development

The Surf Coast Shire council has made a decision about whether it will support protecting Spring Creek from development as part of its submission to the State Government regarding a new planning policy for the region. And it wasn’t unanimous.

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The Surf Coast Shire Council has thrown its support behind protecting Spring Creek from development as part of its submission to the State Government regarding a new planning policy for the region.

Councillors voted 6-2 in support of a motion proposed by councillor Kate Gazzard to amend council’s submission to the State Government on the Distinctive Area and Landscapes (DAL) project at a meeting on Tuesday.

It comes as public consultation on a draft statement of planning policy (SPP), which presents two options for future development along the Torquay-Jan Juc boundary, draws to a close.

The first option would enable “ecologically sustainable development” west of Duffields Road, while the second would instead fix the town boundary at the road, locking in a permanent “green break” between Torquay and Bellbrae, protecting the area from “urban encroachment”.

Spring Creek looking towards Duffields Road and Jan Juc. Picture: Alan Barber
Spring Creek looking towards Duffields Road and Jan Juc. Picture: Alan Barber

Cr Gazzard’s amendment to council’s submission endorsed support for the second option as it reflects council’s “long held aspirations” and views of the “majority” in the community.

Speaking to the motion, Cr Gazzard said Spring Creek was “one of the only wildlife corridors of native vegetation” left in Torquay.

“It has been shown that the community support is to protect Spring Creek over and over again,” Cr Gazzard said.

“I just ask councillors to think about what kind of legacy do we want to leave? I think I would like to be a council who really advocate for people, our places and our future, and are a council who are known for helping to advocate for our community to protect Spring Creek.”

Cr Pattison labelled the DAL as a “golden opportunity” to revisit development in the Spring Creek valley.

“As elected members it is our responsibility to make the hard decisions, and stand up for our values, and make decisions that are based on what is best for our community and our environment.”

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Cr Heather Wellington and Cr Paul Barker were the only councillor’s who voted against the motion, while Cr Gary Allen abstained from the vote.

Cr Wellington said there was “so much else in the DAL that we should be focusing on, and regrettably the whole thing is now focused again on Spring Creek and I feel that’s a shame”.

The SPP is set to provide a 50-year vision for the region and falls under the DAL project.

Community groups have publicly thrown their support behind the second option, while landowners within Spring Creek have advocated for the first option.

A council officers report noted that Spring Creek is the “most controversial” element of the draft SPP.

“With the power resting with the State Government it is considered that full accountability and responsibility for the decision should be attributed solely to the State Government,” it reads.

Council is not a partner in the DAL project, but will be required to endorse the final SPP and have regard to it in all future decision making.

View the SPP at Submissions now close on January 29.





Originally published as Surf Coast Shire decides whether to support move to protect Spring Creek from development

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