

Social Services Minister Christian Porter slaps down anti-vaccination campaigners

SOCIAL Services Minister Christian Porter has slapped down anti-vaxxers claiming to have found a loophole in the tough “no jab, no pay” laws.

Anti-vaccination ‘loophole’ slammed
Anti-vaccination ‘loophole’ slammed

SOCIAL Services Minister Christian Porter has slapped down anti-vaxxers claiming to have found a loophole in the tough “no jab, no pay” laws.

The Sunday Times this week discovered a Fremantle mother was telling fellow anti-vaccination campaigners online she was using GPs and a lawyer to mount a challenge.

But Mr Porter said anyone attempting to avoid vaccinating their children but still expecting to keep their childcare subsidies and welfare payments was “gravely mistaken”.

He slammed parents for att­empting to “game the system”.

The mother, writing on the Facebook group Anti-Vaccination Australia, claims she couldn’t complete the vaccination requirements because doctors won’t give her child the jabs knowing she was being “fin­ancially coerced”.

She claims to have obtained two signed statutory declarations from GPs acknowledging her consent was not voluntary.

She urged anti-vaxxers to bombard Centrelink with similar claims and revealed plans for legal action if her payments were stopped.

Social Services Minister Christian Porter said parents who did not vaccinate their children ‘need to know there will still be consequences. Photo: Marie Nirme
Social Services Minister Christian Porter said parents who did not vaccinate their children ‘need to know there will still be consequences. Photo: Marie Nirme

Mr Porter said if a vaccination objector did or said something that left a doctor unwilling to vaccinate their child then “that is a choice that person makes”.

“But they need to know there are still consequences to such a choice – being a loss of family tax and childcare benefits – and such a person would be gravely mistaken if they considered that was a way around the new rules,” Mr Porter, a former lawyer with the Director of Public Prosecutions in WA, said.

“A vaccination objector with some unfounded general opposition to vaccination may say to a doctor they consider the new rules are unfair … but that does not change the fact that the no jab, no pay policy is a reasonable and lawful way to protect Australian children from the bad choices of a small minority acting completely contrary to best medical evidence.”

The mother, who doesn’t want her name published for fear of her young child being targeted at school, told The Sunday Times there was “not enough transparency around the questionable safety of vaccines”.

Another parent also challenging the policy described how she had trouble convincing a GP to sign the statutory ­declaration.

AMA WA president Michael Gannon said GPs were caught in the middle and anti-vaxxers were potentially coercing their doctors. He said anti-vaxxers were “playing games with their children’s lives against proven treatments”.

Mr Porter said the Turnbull Government was determined to get community immunisation rates up past the 95 per cent required to protect all children again diseases.

Originally published as Social Services Minister Christian Porter slaps down anti-vaccination campaigners

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