
Big hearts help save a little boy’s foot

JOSH Turner faced having his foot amputated but thanks to generous supporters and medical excellence the young Crows’ fan looks like making a full recovery after delicate surgery.

Adelaide Football Club Membership drive. Joshua Turner with Nathan van Berlo in front of a Toyota which could be won. Photo Sarah Reed.
Adelaide Football Club Membership drive. Joshua Turner with Nathan van Berlo in front of a Toyota which could be won. Photo Sarah Reed.

HE’D like to kick a footy with the Crows but right now young Josh Turner is just glad to have his foot.

Josh, 8, of Morphett Vale, was in danger of having his left foot amputated after red tape saw an application for assistance to go to Melbourne for specialist surgery denied on the basis it was a “second opinion”.

A front-page story on The Advertiserspurred thousands of signatures to a petition on the website and quickly saw Premier Jay Weatherill and Health Minister Jack Snelling intervene.

Josh has the rare condition arteriovenous malformation, where a tangle of abnormal connections between arteries and veins in his foot caused blood flow problems. He had undergone multiple procedures at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and was referred to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne where he underwent an operation last year.

Plans for a second visit stalled when the family was refused help under the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme. A bureaucratic backflip meant his family were able to travel to Melbourne last month for delicate surgery.

He is due for a check-up in March but doctors say the blood flow in Josh’s foot is back to normal and they are cautiously optimistic of a full recovery.

The family has been overwhelmed by support from family, friends, fundraisers, Josh’s Coorara Primary School, the State Government and anonymous benefactors.

“People have been incredible and we are so grateful to The Advertiser ,” Josh’s mum Kate Turner said.

“Josh’s father Michael had to give up his casual job early last month after Josh had a bad turn … so it has been a struggle but people have been absolutely wonderful,” she said.

While Josh may never play AFL, he is thrilled to be a Crows’ 19th man as a new member.

The youngster was invited to meet Nathan van Berlo to help launch the Crows’ “Unleash 2015” membership drive, where a renewing or new member can win a restored 1986 Toyota sports car.

Originally published as Big hearts help save a little boy’s foot

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