
Malcolm Turnbull vows to bring to justice those responsible for MH17 crash

PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull has condemned Russia in a fiery performance in Parliament today, vowing to bring those responsible for he MH17 crash to justice.

PM Malcolm Turnbull put in a fiery performance in Question Time today. Picture: Kym Smith
PM Malcolm Turnbull put in a fiery performance in Question Time today. Picture: Kym Smith

PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull has condemned the Kremlin in a fiery performance in Parliament today, saying “we will not be bullied by Russia”.

Responding to the release of the Dutch Air Safety Board’s report into the downing of MH17 over eastern Ukraine, Mr Turnbull slammed Russia for using its veto power at the United Nations Security Council in July to avoid the creation of special international criminal tribunal designed to bringing those responsible to justice.

“We are focused on all possible options for prosecuting those responsible, with a view to securing due punishment for this crime,” he told Parliament.

Mr Turnbull echoed the words of Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who has been at the forefront of international efforts to establish a criminal investigation into the tragedy.

“As she has said, we will not be bullied by Russia. We and all the nations whose citizens share our grief, are determined to do everything we can no matter how long it takes to identify those responsible and bring them to justice.”

The report has found the Malaysia Airlines flight, carrying 298 people including 38 Australian citizens and residents, was shot down with a Russian made-missile in July 2014.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said the report, released overnight, was “another step in the unfinished journey to justice”.

“All of us as we grow older have experience of the pain of mourning, the heavy weight of sadness and sorrow and loss, but none in this place can imagine the added burden of the families of those aboard MH17 have had to bear,” Mr Shorten said.

Meanwhile, Ms Bishop insists a criminal investigation of the “atrocity” will continue.

“We certainly won’t be bullied by anyone in our pursuit of justice for the families of those aboard,” she told the Seven Network on Wednesday.

The incident had “awakened the globe” to the possibility that commercial aircraft in commercial airspace — albeit a conflict zone — could be shot down.

“It was assumed that planes flying at 30,000 feet or more would be safe over conflicts,” she said.

A reconstructed section of the Malaysia Airlines plane that was downed by a missile over Ukraine, killing 298 people. Picture:(AAP Image/Dutch Safety Board
A reconstructed section of the Malaysia Airlines plane that was downed by a missile over Ukraine, killing 298 people. Picture:(AAP Image/Dutch Safety Board

Qantas already takes action to avoid conflict zones and the government was working very closely with Australian airlines to ensure the safety of passengers.

Ms Bishop said Australia and partner nations were working towards the best way to set up a tribunal to bring those accountable to justice.

“There’s probably very little comfort for the families and loved ones, but at least we know the cause and we continue to pursue the perpetrators of this crime,” she told Sky News.

“Some of the findings are brutal in the frank assessment of what could have gone on (in the final few moments).”

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull received a briefing on the report via a teleconference convened by Dutch leader Mark Rutte.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the victims,” Mr Turnbull said earlier today in a statement.

“I know this is a particularly distressing time.”

Labor foreign affairs spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek said the perpetrators of the terrible crime must be brought to justice.

“The Russian government still has serious questions to answer,” she said in a statement.

Asked if the report had implications for Australian families seeking compensation, International Development Minister Steve Ciobo said Malaysia Airlines already had indicated it was willing to make payments.

“Of course there are ongoing private legal matters that families are considering,” he told ABC radio.

Originally published as Malcolm Turnbull vows to bring to justice those responsible for MH17 crash

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